On this page are all of the certified nursing assistant classes in Florida that are currently available to enroll in. The list includes all of the public CNA schools, private training facilities, and health care center training that are available. You can search for training facilities and schools by their city. To get more information about the addresses and phone numbers of individual schools offering instruction, click on one of the city links below.
Before enrolling in a training program make sure it offers the minimum amount of hours required by the state to qualify you to take the certification exam.
CNA Classes in Florida by City
Getting Certified as a Nursing Assistant in Florida
Classes in Florida are available which can help one gain certification as a nursing assistant. One should attend a state approved nursing assistant training program in order to be allowed to take the certification examinations after finishing the course. A high school diploma is required before one can enroll in the course as well as a criminal background check and tests for certain diseases and drugs. It is important that one should take nurses aide training from an approved school or facility if he would like to work as a CNA in Florida.
Job Duties of a Certified Nursing Assistant in Florida
Those employe in this profession work with patients under the direct supervision of a physician or a registered nurse. They provide patient care such as administering medications, assisting patients with their bathing and grooming needs, as well as take vital signs of their patients. They also help and communicate with other health personnel in some tasks and procedures. They also take notes about their patient’s intake of food and medications as well as any effects that they have on their patients.
What are the Requirements to Become a CNA in Florida
The state requires the following in order to become certified as a nursing assistant: finish a state approved training program, pass the physical and criminal background check, and pass the written and practical exams for nurse aides. The Florida Department of Health is the one that oversees the whole process of certification of applicants as well as the approval of training programs for nursing assistants. After passing the state exams, the applicant’s name will be recorded in the state’s registry and will be eligible for work as a nurses aide. The required training hours are 120 hours and this should include both classroom and practical training in a nursing facility. Click this link to find out all of the CNA certification requirements in Florida.
How Much Does CNA Training Cost in Florida
There are several schools which offer training programs for nursing assistants. The Brewster Technical Center in Tampa offers 165 hours of training in both classroom and practical sessions for $611.12; Chipola College in Marianna has 120 hours for $613; Daytona State College offers a 164-hour course for $747.15; and the Lake City Community College has 125 hours for $1,137.90. Some of the schools offer the course together with uniforms, shoes, health insurance, watches, books and fees for examinations and criminal background checks.
How Much Does a CNA Make in Florida
There are about 90,000 nursing assistants employed in Florida and the state is one of those which offer high employment rates for this type of job as well. One can earn from $20,000 to $25,000 a year from being a nurses aide depending on your experience, location and the type of employer that you have. The average income for someone who is employed as a CNA in Florida is $23,780 per annum. The starting hourly rate for a nursing assistant would be $9.94 and this can increase to $12 as your experience increases.
How Often Does Your License Need to Be Renewed
The certification needs to be renewed every two years and the applicant should have at least 24 hours of in-service training and you should have worked as a CNA under the supervision of a registered nurse or physician for at least eight hours for the past two years.
Do you know of any nursing assistant classes or health care facility programs that are not listed on this website? If so contact us and let us know so we can add the information to this page.