On this page you’ll find links leading to the available certified nursing assistant classes in North Carolina sorted by their city. Click on a city to get more details about the school programs available there. Each city page contains the names of the nurse aide programs, facility addresses, and phone numbers.
Before enrolling in a program you will want to make sure it is approved by the state registry and qualifies you to take the certification exam. We do our best to only provide approved programs on this website. If you find a class program here that is not currently approved please let us know.
CNA Classes in North Carolina By City
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in the State of North Carolina
CNA classes in North Carolina provide an opportunity for students to enter the healthcare field and acquire employment in a short period of time. Compared to other types of job in the field of healthcare, certified nursing assistant work does not entail a long period of study as well as expensive education costs. In North Carolina, the cost of training is also considerably lower than in other states hence making it more advantageous for the prospective student. The state of North Carolina does not accept reciprocity in their state so it is necessary to undergo CNA training for those who would like to work there as nurse aides.
There is also an increasing demand for healthcare workers in the field of nursing assistance. The rising costs of hospitalization have made a great impact in the demand for nursing facilities. More and more people are now looking at nursing facilities to provide long-term care as well as daily assistance to patients, invalids as well as to elderly people. The growth in medical technology as well as in medicine has allowed people to live longer lives and they need physical assistance for their daily living.
What Are the Job Duties of Nursing Assistants in North Carolina
As we all know, many sick and elderly people cannot perform daily tasks as they used to when they were yet stronger and in a more healthy physical state. The various diseases and impairments that most of these people experience require the help of a person with a medical know-how. Thus, nursing assistants are there to provide this service with the added medical background. Nursing assistants can perform various tasks such as bathing, mouth care, bed-making, grooming and dressing, turning and transfer of patients, and preparing their patient’s meals. They also clean dressings, collect specimens, and administer enemas if needed. CNA training programs also teach students how to communicate well with patients specially those who have impairments in this particular area.
How Much Do CNA training Schools Cost in North Carolina
Training programs, which should be approved first by the North Carolina Board of Nursing, are available in various schools and community colleges and those that offer vocational and technical courses. There is the Caring for Life, LLC. which offers an affordable and flexible class schedule that lasts for about 3 weeks with a fee of only $350; Alamance Community College offers a 16-hour credit course for nursing assistant 1 and 2; Wilkes Community College with 192 hours of training; and South Piedmont Community College with a course which will last from 8-12 weeks. The tuition costs can range from $350 to $900 depending on the school where you enroll.
What are the Requirements to Become a Certified Nursing Assistant in NC
The training includes both a classroom and a practical training session which shall be conducted at a licensed nursing facility which will give the student an exposure to the actual workplace of a nursing assistant. You can find programs in many local community colleges, nursing home facilities, health care centers, and private vocational schools. Classes are usually at least 75 hours in length and include time for studying theoretical health care information, practicing fundamental nurse aide skills, and demonstrating these skills in medical environment. To read about all of the nursing assistant certification requirements in North Carolina visit this page.
How Much Does a CNA Make in North Carolina
The average annual salary of a certified nursing assistant in North Carolina is about $22, 000 and this can get higher or lower depending on your location, type of employer, and length of experience on the job. Those who also finish a Nursing Assistant II course will also have a higher salary. You can call the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services for more information at (919) 855-3069, or (919) 855-3970.