If you enroll in certified nursing assistant schools in Washington you will learn the skills to pass the certification tests and have the opportunity to work in the healthcare field. Completing approved CNA classes, and passing the state competency exams is now one of the easiest ways for one to work in the medical field. Programs can be completed within weeks and without much cost to the student. There is also a great demand for nursing assistant workers in different healthcare settings which makes it more attractive to people who have a desire to work in a flexible occupation. Those who begin working in this field can gain valuable experience they can use to start a career in the medical profession.
CNA Classes in Washington by City
Healthcare institutions are now looking for nursing assistants due to the increased demand for the services that they provide. These institutions range from government hospitals to private home care services which are seeking for direct patient care services. Most people especially the aged and the sick are seeking medical aide in their various day to day activities. With the current developments in medical technology which seek to lengthen people’s lives, more and more people are now seeking the help of nursing assistants in order to provide the needed healthcare for such persons. There are also the chronically ill which have to stay in long-term care facilities in order to sustain their well-being.
Nursing assistants are those who provide healthcare in such tasks as bathing, grooming, feeding and taking of a patient’s vital signs such as respiration rate, heart rate, and body temperature. They also provide assistance in a patient’s mobilization and transportation as well as in providing information to patients and their families with regards to particular foods and medication. They look after the well-being of their patients by preparing their meals with the best information regarding nutrition on their minds. They also provide assistance to patients in order to help them gain their independence and rights as a patient.
You need to choose a program which has been approved by the State of Washington Department of Health and Social Services. The state of Washington needs at least 85 hours of total training period for CNA certification. The program should include in its curriculum the following subjects: basic nursing care, basic restorative care, infection control, resident’s rights, emergency procedures such as CPR, and communication skills. You can read more about nursing assistant certification requirements in Washington by clicking this link.
Training facilities that offer such programs are the Kamanga CNA Training Center, Avalon Care Center, Adams Nursing Home, Tri-Tech Skills Center, Canyon Lakes Restorative Care and Rehabilitation Center, Chelan College, and the Wenatchee High School. The course runs from 6-8 weeks for at least 120 hours with clinical and classroom sessions. The cost of the program can range from $550 up to $2000. The average annual salary for a CNA in Washington is about $16,000.
After finishing the program, the student is then eligible to take the state competency exams. The test is comprised of a written or oral test and a skills test and which should be successfully passed in order to gain the certification. A student will also need to pass the state and federal criminal background check and the health and drug history check before his name can be entered in the WA Nurse Aide Registry.