Below you can find all of the certified nursing assistant classes located in Indiana and sorted by their city. Each listing includes all of the currently available certified nursing assistant programs that are open for enrollment. Included in the list are health care training facilities, private occupational programs, college classes and public schools.
You can receive additional information about the school, its phone number and address by clicking on a city link. To find out about enrollment cost, class curriculum, or schedules you will want to call the phone number for the school. Always make sure the program is approved by the state before enrolling so you know that your instruction will enable you to qualify to take the license exams.
CNA Classes in Indiana by City
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Indiana
CNA classes in Indiana provide a way for one to work as a nursing assistant in the state. They give the necessary background information and training so that he or she would be able to provide the services required of a nursing assistant. The state requires that one should take a state approved training program for nursing assistants before he or she can be allowed to take the state competency exam for nursing aides. You need to know the state’s requirements before taking any classes or training program for the course.
The Indiana State Department of Health is the government agency which sets the standards as well as approves the CNA training programs of various schools and facilities. They are also the entity which provides licensure for those who pass the state competency exams for nursing assistants. As of 2011, the department had changed their rules regarding the issuance of paper certificates and pocket cards and one can only see their certification through the department’s website. Click this link to find more information about the current CNA certification requirements in the state of Indiana.
The Job Duties of a CNA in Indiana
CNA training programs usually last for about 105 hours which can be finished in 3-8 weeks. The training provides the basic knowledge and skills that is required for a nursing aide career such as basic care, dressing and grooming, and informing patients about medical terms and medications. As such, they are the ones who are mostly in contact with the patients and develop a certain bond with them different from nurses and physicians which handle them. Nursing assistants help patients who otherwise cannot perform such daily activities such as caring for themselves and administering their medications and arranging their bedding.
How Much Does Nursing Assistant Training Cost in Indiana
There are several schools and facilities which offer training programs for nurse aides in Indiana. One can choose from a wide list that includes the Ivy Tech Community College, Swiss Village Inc., North Adams Vocational Area, Fort Wayne Community Schools, Omega Healthcare Systems Educational Center, Renaissance Village training course, and the Towne House Retirement Community. There are also facilities which can provide free CNA training to those who are not able to afford the tuition fees. They are Golden Living Center, McDowell Adult Training Center, and Primeway Institute. The tuition fee for nurse aide training can range from $450 to $800 depending on your location.
How Much Do Nursing Assistants Make in Indiana
There are about 35,000 employed nurse aides in Indiana and the average salary per annum for this occupation is about $25,420. The wages can vary depending on your length of experience, location and the type of employer. The starting hourly rate for a CNA in Indiana is about $10.11 and the average is about $12.22.
In order to work as a nursing assistant in Indiana, one needs to finish the training program from a facility or school that has been approved by the Indiana State Department of Health and pass the state competency examination. He should also pass the physical exam as well as the state and federal background checks that are required by the state. One who has any disqualifying records or felonies will not be allowed to work as a CNA in Indiana.
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