Obtaining a nursing assistant certification in Wisconsin is required before one can work as a CNA in this state. They should take a state-approved training program, pass the state and federal criminal background check and also pass the state competency exam for nurse aides. The training is a good way of entering the field of healthcare if the applicant has a desire of furthering his medical career. The state is looking for such workers as there had been a lack of entry-level workers for nursing facilities.
The state requires at least 120 hours of training which shall contain at least 32 hours of clinical practice in a licensed nursing facility. The training should have both classroom and practical training in order to gain knowledge and skills in nursing aide tasks. Subjects should include resident rights and independence, infection control, manual skills, personal care, emergency and safety procedures, medical terminology, data collection and nursing skills. The state requires a criminal background check before one can be accepted in a school which offers CNA training. Such schools can either be community colleges or nursing facilities who offer training on-site. The state does not accept those who have completed online or mail training for nursing aides as they do not have the required practical training for students.
One can apply for the state examination after successfully passing the nursing assistant training program. The applicant should take it after a year of completion of training. The test is composed of two types – the written or oral exam and the manual or practical skills test. The written exam is composed of 72 multiple-choice types of questions and the manual skills test requires successfully performing 5 randomly-selected nursing aide tasks. After passing the exam, one will be entered in the state of WI Nurse Aide Registry and will be issued a nursing assistant card. Failing the test three times would require the applicant to undergo retraining before he or she will be allowed to retake the test.
Applicants for reciprocity will be accepted if they have finished a CNA training program which contains a similar standard to that which is used in Wisconsin. The applicant should be a current holder of certification and should be in good standing on their registry. He should not possess any record of neglect, abuse, or misappropriation of a resident’s property in his home state. The applicant would also be required to undergo a state and federal criminal background check before he can be entered on the registry. Finding of any disqualifying conviction for a felony or a crime would definitely affect one’s chances of one’s application for reciprocity from being accepted.
The license or certification would have to be renewed every 2 years and the applicant should show proof of paid work as a nurse aide for that duration. He also should have worked under the supervision of registered nurse or other qualified health personnel in order for his work to be considered as being under a nurse aide’s capacity. The applicant should have also undergone at least 12 hours of in-service training for each year.
You can read more about the available nursing assistant classes in Wisconsin by clicking this link.