Enrolling in CNA school classes in Wisconsin will provide you with a work opportunity within a few short weeks and less educational expenses than most education programs. Nursing assistants are currently in great demand due to the increasing number of patients who require assisted living and health care. The elderly are now living longer and more and due to the rising population, more people are getting chronically ill which calls for the aide of healthcare personnel. With the cost of hospitalization gradually getting more and more expensive, people are choosing nursing homes and similar facilities to provide the necessary health services.
CNA Classes in Wisconsin By City
Health care facilities and institutions are currently receiving more and more patients and residents who want their services. Most of the direct patient care which is given to patients is done by nursing assistants. They are the ones who assist them with their day to day necessities such as bathing, grooming, feeding, and toileting. They also help them and their families during the patient’s process of death and dying. They also document their patient’s progress as well as provide the necessary information which is needed by other medical personnel.
Nursing assistant training programs will provide you with the way with which you can become a nursing assistant in the state of Wisconsin. There are various CNA training programs which offer the needed classroom and clinical hours which are required by the state. You need to choose a program which has been approved by Wisconsin’s Department of Health. The Wisconsin Caregiver Law will not allow those who have any criminal convictions with crimes such as drugs, theft, or violence to be admitted to the Nurse Aide Registry.
Certified nursing assistant training programs in Wisconsin are able to provide students with the basic information and skills which is required in order for one to work effectively as a nursing assistant. The course covers subjects such as measuring of vital signs such as temperature and heart and respiratory rate, communication skills with patients and other health personnel, collection of urine or stool samples, transporting of patients, and medical terminology.
Schools and training facilities that offer such programs are Wisconsin C.N.A. Training Center LLC which offers a 120-hour course; Milwaukee Area Technical College; Madison Area Technical College; and Aurora Health Care which offers the course for $500. The cost for such training can range from $500 to $1000 depending on the school or institution and whether they include other items on the fee such as books, scrubs, and medical equipments. The average annual salary for a CNA in Wisconsin is about $20,000 and this can be differ depending on your length of work experience as a nursing assistant, your employer, and your location.
Upon completion of the training program, the student can take the state certification exams which cost $115. The test is required in order to gain certification and applicants should be able to pass both the written and skills test successfully. The exam is called the Wisconsin Certified Nursing Assistant exam and is conducted by Promissor. The applicant also needs to pass the state and federal criminal background check in order to gain the certification. Visit this page to find out additional information about nursing assistant certification requirements in Wisconsin.