These are the certified nursing assistant classes in Missouri categorized by city. By clicking on a specific city you can find in-depth details such as the address, website and the phone numbers of school programs located there. Each individual city page offers all of the available health care training programs, private nursing assistant schools, and public college courses available at this time within that city.
Before enrolling in a course always make sure it is state approved and meets the requirements to qualify you to take the certification exams.
CNA Classes in Missouri by City
Becoming a Nursing Assistant in Missouri
CNA classes in Missouri can be found in almost any corner in the state of Missouri. There are various vocational training institutions, and college programs which offer this type of course for those who are seeking to be employed as nursing assistants in the future. This type of employment is currently in-demand due to the recent improvements in healthcare which has allowed elderly people to experience a longer life. With the help of nursing assistants, they are assisted in their daily needs for those types of tasks which they do with difficulty.
The trend in the number of available of nursing assistant jobs in the state is currently on the rise. There are many nursing facilities which are in need of such workers as there seems to be only a few of them available on the state. More and more of the state’s older population are seeking to be placed in a nursing facility with the current rise in the cost of hospitalization. Also, those who are chronically sick cannot afford to be always placed in a hospital of medical facility which would cost them a lot. Nursing facilities are definitely their best option and nursing assistants are the ones who commonly do a lot of tasks around patients in such facilities.
What Are the CNA Job Duties in Missouri?
Nursing assistants work under the supervision of registered nurses or licensed physicians in order to deliver health care that is needed to patients who are incapable of doing personal tasks by themselves. They are involved with the transportation, mobilization, grooming, feeding, bathing, and assisting patients with their personal health needs. They also administer medications to patients as well as document their patient’s health progress. With this type of work, they need to understand medical terms and equipments also just like other health personnel. They can also be called upon to perform emergency medical procedures such as CPR to patients who need them.
What Are the CNA Certification Requirements in Missouri?
CNA training programs are required to have been approved by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Those who wish to take the state competency examinations for nursing assistants should be careful to look for a school which is state-approved. You can find a list of such approved institutions at the Missouri Education and Career website. Applicants should be at least 18 years of age, should pass the Basic Education Skills Test, pass the state and federal criminal background check, and should be physically capable of doing the work that is required for nursing assistants.
The state of Missouri requires you take a state approved nursing assistant course that consists of 75 hours of health care theory, 100 hours of on the job training, and the completion of a 2 part certification exam. Upon completion of these requirements the nursing assistant receives their certification. The entire portion of the training course must be completed within a 6 month period. If you already hold your nurse aide certification from another state you may be able to challenge the Missouri exam to become registered in Missouri as a certified nursing assistant.
If you are hired as a nursing assistant and do not have your certification you have 4 months from your hire date to take the necessary classes and become certified. Before taking the certification exam you need to show that you have successfully completed Fundamentals of Nursing and a clinical rotation with a passing grade. In addition you must have a valid address and phone number where you can be reached along with a copy of your social security card. Click this link to read the full list of nursing assistant certification requirements in Missouri.
What Does CNA Schooling Cost and How Much Do Nursing Assistants Make?
Several facilities and colleges offer CNA training programs in Missouri. There is the Boonslick Technical Education Center, Metropolitan Community College, MEDS Inc., Preferred Futures Healthcare Academy, Jefferson College, Cass Career Center, State Fair Community College, St. Charles Community College, and Metropolitan College. The tuition for these schools can range from being free to a thousand dollars. There are several wage ranges for nursing assistants in Missouri. Those who are less experienced can expect a pay for about $15,000 annually and those who have longer experiences in the field can earn about $22,050.