Below you will find all of the available CNA classes in Maryland sorted by city. Each city link provides more information about individual training programs being offered in that city.
By visiting a city link you can find out the training programs name, address, website and phone number. The listings include all of the available state colleges, public schools, vocational courses and health care facility programs. States frequently require that certified nursing assistant programs be approved by the state and meet the requirements of the certification exam. Always make sure the program you select meets state requirements before you enroll.
Certified Nursing Assistant Classes in Maryland by City
Where Can You Find CNA Classes in Maryland?
These classes in Maryland are available for those who would like to have a future career in healthcare. The training program is usually short, from about 3 to 8 weeks, which is also more affordable than any other healthcare course. They provide the basic skills and information about nursing aide tasks and equip the student with the needed first-hand experience of taking care of patients. The programs can be had through community colleges, nursing facilities and other healthcare establishments. Click one of the city links above to see what schools are currently available in your area.
What are the Job Duties of a CNA in Maryland?
As of now, the state of Maryland employs about 32,000 nursing aides and they are also one of the states which provide a higher wage for such employment. Nursing aides are involved with the basic care and assistance of patients who are not able to do that on their own. Their training equips them with skills and knowledge such as basic patient care, infection control, daily living assistance such as feeding, bathing and grooming, basic life support and emergency procedures, taking care of their patient’s nutritional needs and documenting their condition and progress. They also learn about transport of patients and communicating with them especially those with disabilities.
How Much Does a Nurse Aide Earn in Maryland?
The average hourly wage of a nursing assistant in Maryland is about $13.03 up to $13.66. This will translate to an average of $28,410 a year for those who have this occupation. The highest hourly rate for a nursing assistant in Maryland would be $19.59 which can mean an annual wage of over $36,000. This is aside from the other benefits which are offered to nurse aides such as medical and dental services, paid vacations, and transportation expenses as well.
What are the CNA Training Requirements in Maryland?
Training centers for nurse aides should be first approved by the Maryland State Board of Nursing and one cannot take the state competency exams if they are not coming from a school or facility having that approval. The training is divided into two parts and one has to pay separately sometimes for them. The first is for the classroom sessions and the other is for the practical training in a nursing facility. Click this link to read more about the CNA certification requirements in Maryland.
How Much Does Certified Nursing Assistant Schools Cost in Maryland?
Such training programs are offered by the Allegany College Special Health Initiatives in Cumberland, the Cecil Community College Certified Nursing Assistant Program, Anne Arundel Community College, Chesapeake College Allied Health, Garrett College Nursing Assistant Program, the Hebrew Home, and the Asbury Methodist Village. One needs to pay at least $800 for the training which includes the fees for tuition, books, and for the tests.
Can a Nurse Aide Pursue Advanced Medical Degrees in Maryland?
The CNA programs in Maryland also have advanced courses which can lead one to become a Geriatric Nursing Assistant, Home Health Aide, Certified Medicine Aide, or a Dialysis Technician. One gains increases income with these added specializations to his nursing aide education. The job outlook for this type of work in Maryland is very promising as the state experiences an increase in their elderly population which needs such assistance and services. The improvements in healthcare also require the services of such health workers in various healthcare settings. According to the state’s Department of Labor, nurse aide occupation are experiencing a 29% growth in their demand which is why it is considered to be one of the most promising jobs in the state.