The nurse aide schools in Port St. Joe, Florida that you can see on this page, are all the open training programs right now. For more information about their certified nursing assistant classes, please call the number below.
Gulf Coast Community College
3800 Garrsion Avenue,
Port St. Joe, Florida 32456
(850) 227-9670
Getting a CNA license in this state can be one of the best career choices you can make. Nursing assistants here have a high demand because of the increasing number of people who are now concerned with their health. Becoming a nursing assistant here is easy if you know the different requirements early on. To become a nursing assistant you must be at least 18 years old and posses a high school diploma or a degree that is equivalent to it.
Your first task in becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in a state-approved training program. These program are being offered by colleges, high schools, and some healthcare centers. To complete a program, you must have at least 75 hours of theoretical classes and 100 hours of hands-on skills training. As a student, you will be trained in different subjects and skills like mental health and rehabilitation, assisting in ROM exercises and ambulation, hand washing and infection control, as well as other basic nursing care concepts.
After you complete your training, you can then proceed to apply for the license exams. The license examinations for this state are conducted by Prometric. Their examinations contain a 60 item written exam and a quick skills evaluation. For the skills evaluation, you will be asked to perform only 5 randomly selected nursing procedures. To get your license, you must pass all tests including the background checks.
This city is the county seat of Gulf County. It is situated at the intersection between major roads U.S. Highway 98 and State Road 71. Other major roads that you can access to get to this city include Interstate 10 and State Road 22. According to the census of 2007, their total population was around 3,579 people. It has a total area of approximately 3.3 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is 1,104.2/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include G & G Treatment Center, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Professional Medical Transcription Services Inc., NHC HomeCare, Sacred Heart Clinic, Beacon Villa Retirement Center, Newberry Eye Clinic, Advanced & Gentle Dental Care, Chemical Addictions Recovery Effort, Inc., and many more. photo attribution: usaghumphreys