The schools you can find that currently offer instruction in how to become a certified nursing assistant in Monterey Park, California are listed for you on this page. The programs provided in the list include information such as school names, phone numbers and facility addresses. To find out more about their programs, you can call the facility or visit them at their office.
American International Vocational College
516 Monterey Pass Rd.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
(626) 281-6198
The demand for certified nurse aides in California is higher than the national average. If you are thinking of becoming one then it is important that you know what the requirements are. Knowing the requirements will make things a lot easier and help you become certified to work in the quickest time possible.
Having a CNA certification means that you are able to work in long-term care centers as a nurse aide. If your certification came from a different state then you must apply for reciprocity. When you apply, your name should still be in your previous state’s nurse aide registry list. You should not have records of negligence, patient abuse, malpractice, and the like since this may prevent you from being accepted.
If you do not have a license yet, then you must enroll and complete a CNA training program. The program must be approved by the state’s ATCS to make sure that you will be eligible to take the exam. To further ensure that you can take the exam you will also have to pass the background checks for criminal records.
CNA Training
All aspiring nurse aides are required to complete a state-approved training program. CNA programs in California offer 150 hours of training. The hours are divided into 50 hours of classroom instructions and 100 hours of supervised clinical practice.
Before going to the clinical area, students will first spend 16 hours learning about infection control, respecting patients’ rights, promoting patients’ independence, communication and interpersonal skills, safety and emergency procedures.
Criminal Background Checks
The criminal background checks are usually done after a CNA candidate had enrolled in a program. In California, the checks are done through the Live Scan Services. Students must get fingerprinted and complete the Request for Live Scan Services. A copy of the completed form must be sent to the ATCS by the training facility before the start of the clinical rotation of the program.
National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination
The NNAAP exam was designed to establish a standard for nurse aides to follow. It consists of a written/oral knowledge test and a clinical skills test that will determine the competency of an aspiring nurse aide candidate. Those who are able to pass this exam will get certified by the Aide and Technician Certification Section. According to the law, only a certified nurse aide is allowed to work in a state-approved nursing facility.
Each candidate is given 3 attempts to pass. If a candidate fails in one part of the exam he must reapply and retake the test that he failed. If the candidate still fails after his 3rd attempt then he is required to complete another 150-hour CNA program. If you pass the exam, your name will be entered in the state’s nurse aide registry. For further information, you can call the CA Nurse Aide Registry at their phone number 916-327-2445.
Applying for Reciprocity
Reciprocity is a process that is only offered to nurse aides who are certified in other states. This allows them to transfer their certification to California without any need for any testing or training. Applicants are required to have a current certification and a clean record. Applicants must not be listed on the Abuse Registry. All reciprocity applicants are still required to undergo and pass the national background checks for criminal records.
This is a city that is included in Los Angeles, CA. It is just east of downtown Los Angeles. As of last year’s census, the population in the area has now reached up to 60,269. Cities like Acadia, Rosemead, San Marino, San Gabriel and even the San Gabriel Valley can be found near this city.
Included in the top employers in the city are Garfield Medical Center, Monterey Park Hospital, Care1st Health Plan, and SynerMed. You could also try and see if some of them offer certified nursing assistant classes. Other heath care centers in the city include G M Health Clinic, Care Medical Group, Mercury Medical Clinic, Le Health Clinic, Healthcare Partners, MA Anxilladora Medical Group, and Holistic Clinic. photo attribution: create-learning