Receiving your nursing assistant certification in Wyoming can be a good way of entering the healthcare field without spending too much on one’s education. The tuition fees that are required for enrollment are usually inexpensive and in some cases free, and after getting your certification, you can then move to better positions by taking advanced nursing courses. To become a nursing assistant in Wyoming the applicant should first undergo a state-approved training program, pass the criminal background check, and also pass the state competency exam.
In order for one to be eligible for a CNA certification in the state of Wyoming, one should enroll in a state-approved nurse aide program which is offered in the state. Those who are currently enrolled in this course are allowed to work as nurse aides for 4 months, provided they accomplish 16 hours of training prior to direct contact with patients. They are also not allowed to have any contact with patients if the facility fails to provide the above mentioned within the first two weeks of training. The course should last for at least 105 hours which shall contain 75 hours of classroom training and 16 hours of clinical training in a nursing facility. Thus, students who are currently working in a nursing facility would have a better edge as they would acquire more experience in the latter type of training.
Applicants for CNA II positions should be at least 18 years of age, is currently holding a nurse aide certification in good standing, and should have at least 1500 hours of work experience in a nursing facility. Nursing students may apply for nurse aide certification by submitting a copy of their transcript showing their completion of at least 1 semester of a nursing program. They should be able to show that they have successfully completed Nursing Fundamentals or Basics of Nursing in order to be considered for the state exam.
One can apply for the state examination after he or she has completed the state approved training program. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form, a copy of their certificate of completion of the training program, and the payment for the examination fees. The test is composed of two parts – the written and the skills portion. The tests would both cover subjects such as personal care, emergency procedures, safety measures, communication skills, nursing skills, and infection control. Both exams should be successfully passed in order to be entered in the state of WY Nurse Aide Registry.
Application for reciprocity is also accepted for those who have current certification from another state. They should be current and active on their state’s nurse aide registry and should be in good standing. They should not have findings of abuse, neglect or misappropriation of a resident’s property. They should also pass the state and federal background check.
The certification for nurse aides should be renewed every 2 years and the nurse aide should be able to show proof of paid work as a nurse aide under the supervision of a registered nurse for at least 8 hours during the past 2 years. One should also show proof of at least 12 hours of in-service education for each year.
Visit this page to find out more about enrolling in certified nursing assistant classes in Wyoming.