The best way to to become certified as a nursing assistant in Connecticut is by enrolling in a school that has been recognized by the CT Department of Public Health. They have lists of state-approved training programs which have been listed on this website directory. Completing one of these programs and taking the required examinations is the surest way of obtaining a certification to be able to work as a nursing assistant. It is important to acquire training from a certified institution as it is one of the requirements in order to be able to sit for the state competency examinations.
CNA Classes in Connecticut By City
What Are the Requirements to become a certified Nurse Aide in Connecticut?
The state requires about 100 hours of training which includes both classroom sessions as well as practical training in a nursing facility. It is also necessary to be able to take the state examinations within two years after you have finished the training program. You can take the classes from nursing homes, community colleges and vocation/technical schools, and even rehabilitation centers. There is a list of state approved training centers at the Education and Employment Information Center in Connecticut. You can also call the Connecticut Department of Health at 860-509-7400 if you wish to learn more about the state’s CNA training programs. Click this link if you want to read more about the nursing assistant certification requirements in Connecticut.
The state does not require a high school diploma in order to enroll in a certification training program. You also need to renew or apply for recertification every 2 years as well as should have worked for at least 8 hours for pay as a nursing assistant during that period. Failure to comply would mean the termination of the certification and ineligibility to work. You may also need to retake CNA training and examination again in order to gain certification. CT Works One Stop Center offers financial aid to those who cannot afford to pay for their school tuition fees. There are also financial aids offered by community colleges and nursing facilities to those who are eligible and have met the requirements for such aide.
What Are Some of the Most Popular Nursing Assistant Schools in CT?
Here are some of the accredited and state approved schools which offer nurse aide training programs as given by the Connecticut Department of Health and the State Department of Higher Education: Bullard-Havens, Bridgeport; Eli Whitney, Hamden; Capital Community College, Hartford; Manchester Community College, Manchester; and Naugatuck Valley Community College, Danbury. For private institutions, there are the Danae’s Training Center, New Haven; Med-Care Training, Brookfield; and the Valley Medical Institute, Trumbull. There is also an adult and continuing education which is offered in Enfield, New Haven, Wallingford, Waterbury, and West Haven. The courses are offered during fall, summer, and winter so you are free to choose which schedule would be easier for you.
The Connecticut Chapter of the American Red Cross also offers CNA training courses in Farmington and you can contact them through the following numbers: (877) 287-3327 and (800) 733-2767. There are also courses offered by the Centro de la Comunidad in New London, the American Red Cross in New Haven, and the Connecticut Training Center in East Hartford. There are also various job opportunities for nursing assistants in both public and private health institutions which make this type of work ideal for those who are looking for employment in a short period of time.