These are the CNA classes currently available in cities throughout the U.S. Click on one of the links below to find nurse aide classes that are currently available for that particular state, listed by city. A certified nursing assistant is referred to by many different names depending on what state you are in. Some of the most common names for those in this profession are CNA, nursing assistant, home health aide, nurse aide, patient care technicians, and state tested nurse aide.
Many states have strict requirements as to what training programs they accept. Often states have a minimum amount of hours that a program must offer in order to be accepted. Always check that a school you select is approved for training in the state you’re in.
CNA Classes by U.S State
State and federal laws in the U.S require that certified nursing assistants enroll in a state approved training program before becoming eligible to work. Training is available at local community colleges, vocational schools, public schools, and health care facilities. Generally you are required to have received your high school diploma or GED and taken a CPR class before enrolling in a nurse aide training program. Follow this link for more information about CNA certification requirements for each state. You should always check that the school providing classes meets your states minimum requirements to qualify you to take the certification exam.
As a nursing assistant student you will learn the basic fundamentals of the job. Typically training will consist of classroom instruction with additional hands-on experience in a nursing facility environment. During your course work you will learn you to deal with patients rights, knowledge of disease, infection guidelines/prevention, human anatomy, medical ethics behavior, and medical terminology. Training typically takes around eight weeks or more to complete depending on the state you reside in and the frequency of classes.
After completing your training you can apply to take the certification exams. to apply you will need to consent to a criminal background check, submit school transcripts, and other proof of citizenship, work visa, or Resident Alien Card. Generally the certification exams are conducted in two parts, a written competency test and a manual skills test. After completion of the exams and meeting the other requirements you will be placed on the state registry. To be allowed to work as a nurse assistant your employer must make sure you are in good standing on the state nurse aide registry. They will verify that you have completed your competency requirements and have no administrative findings of neglect, or disqualifying convictions on your record. After meeting all state requirements you will become eligible to work. While on the job nursing assistants should be under the general supervision of a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.
All certified workers in this profession are required to maintain their license by renewing every two years. This is usually accomplished by submitting proof of work verification to the state’s registry. Generally you will receive a renewal letter by mail prior to your certification expiration date. Those who do not renew their license in time could be required to retake their training in order to continue working.