The certified nursing assistant programs that are shown here are all the available courses in Fayette, Mississippi as of the making of this page. By enrolling and completing one of these courses you will fulfill the state requirement for instruction and be eligible to take the competency exams for your license.
Jefferson County Vo-Tech Center
205 Industrial Park Drive, Fayette, MS 39069
(601) 786-3642
(Also offers night classes and 2-year high school training courses)
One way to become a nursing assistant is to take the NNAAP examinations. To be able to take this, you must first become eligible and apply for it. One of the requirements is to complete a state-approved training program. Individuals who completed a certified training program in a different state may not take the license exams for Mississippi.
Programs in the state take only 6 weeks to complete. After you complete your training, you can then request for an application form from your training program or download and print a copy from If you are still unable to take the exams for personal reasons, every individual is given 24 months, from the date of completion of training, to take the exams. If they are already employed in a Mediaide/Medicare LTC facility, then they must take the exams within 4 months from the start of their work. You can call the support staff at Pearson Vue toll free at 1-888-204-6213 to learn more about testing requirements or schedule a date to take the exams.
If the individual is unable to take the exams on the scheduled date, he/she must inform the NACES by noon, no less than 5 business days to reschedule. If he/she was not able to re-schedule and is still unable to attend the scheduled date, he/she will not get a refund for the exam fees. If the individual is able to re-schedule, there will be no additional payment and he/she may take the exams for free.
Nursing assistants that are currently registered to other states are also welcome to work in Mississippi. Reciprocity is the process in which an individual is granted authorization to work in the state as a nursing assistant. When applying, the individual must have a clean record and have not been convicted of negligence or patient abuse.
Fayette is the county seat of Jefferson County. This city has a total area of 1.2 square miles, in which all of it is land. According to the latest census, the city had a total population of approximately 2,242 people, with a population density of 1,903/square mile.