You need to have a CNA certification in Montana if you would like to work as a nursing assistant in this state. The state of Montana has several requirements in order to qualify for the job of CNA, such as the completion of a state-approved training program as well as passing a exam so you can obtain a certification. You must also pass state and federal background checks first before being handed a certificate. As a nurse aide, you will gain an entry-level position into the medical field as well as enter the profession with minimal costs.
The accredited nurse aide training program in Montana requires at least 75 hours of classroom training as well as 16 hours of practical experience in a nursing facility. The course covers subjects such as communication skills, infection control, resident’s rights and independence, safety and emergency procedures and basic care and personal grooming for patients. They also include the adaptation of nursing skills in home settings. The instruction should also be carried out by professionals such as registered nurses, physicians, pharmacists, therapists, nutritionists, and medical social workers.
After completing a state-approved training program, as the applicant, you may now challenge the state examinations for nurse aide certification. The test includes a written or oral test as well as a skills demonstration exam. The applicant should pass 9 skills test in the practical test. The applicant should submit fingerprint cards, a completed application form, a photo ID; passport sized photos, as well as results of a TB test and proof of immunizations for contagious diseases. The applicant should be able to prove that he or she is physically able to look after the personal needs of a patient. The applicant should also pass the state and federal background checks before his certification can be issued to him. After passing, the applicant’s name would then be entered at the state’s nurse aide registry.
Those who are currently holding certifications from another state can also apply for reciprocity. They should have active accounts in their state and should also be in good standing on that state. They should also pass a criminal background check for both state and federal levels. They must submit a copy of their certification as well as their social security cards. They should also not be convicted of neglect or abuse of a resident or a misuse of their property. These are all required in order to determine if the applicant is eligible for the state’s reciprocity program. You can contact the state of Montana Nurse Aide Registry for additional details about how to qualify.
The license is renewed every 2 years with a required 12 hours of in-service training for each year. The state also requires certified nurse assistants to have worked for pay for at least 8 hours for the past 24 months. They must produce sufficient evidence for employment such as a letter from their employer or the stub of a paycheck. The state can also remove one’s license for several reasons. In order to be reinstated, one should submit a written letter for reinstatement. There is also a required competency review every 12 months for nurse aides in order to determine the aide’s capacity to do personal care for patients.
Visit this link to find all of the CNA classes in Montana that are currently open for enrollment and approved by the state.