It is not that hard to obtain a CNA certification in Iowa if you follow the state’s rules and regulations regarding how to receive it. For people who would like to pursue this career, they should know beforehand what this type of work would entail and what would be needed from them as workers in this field. Certified nursing assistants are more involved in the day to day life of a patient more than any other health worker. They help residents with their personal hygiene, maintain their rooms as well as support the patient’s family.
The state of Iowa requires that one should be entered in their registry before one can work as a nurse aide. To do that, you would have to take a state-approved training class first. The state requires about 75 hours of course work as well as 30 hours of clinical experience in order to complete a course. Those who are employed in a medical or nursing care facility may not have to worry about the training fee as their employer would be the one paying for them. Training could be as low as $150in that case.
After completing the training, one may now apply to undergo the state exam for certification. It includes a written portion as well as an exam on the student’s demonstration of learned skills. One should pass both of the tests. The fee is about $45 dollars for the exams. Sometimes the examinations could also be conducted at the training center as well.
If you are a current holder of nurse assistant certification from another state, you may also apply for reciprocity in Iowa. You only need to be an active holder of the certification and should be in good standing on that state. You would also need to pass the background check for state and federal criminal records. If you have any convictions for a felony, you may not be allowed to practice as a nurse aide in Iowa. But if your background check comes out well, you would not need to undergo a training program anymore.
After passing both the state exam and the background check, your name would then be entered in the IA state registry of nurse aides. You would only need to renew your license if you have any disqualifying offense during the two-year period or have not been employed at all for those two years.
If you fail to work for at least 8 hours of paid work as a CNA for the past 24 consecutive months, you will be required to undergo training and take the exam again. Those who are employed in nursing and long-term care facilities should also have at least 12 hours of in-service training to keep their license. The license will not expire unless you fail to get the required work hours as well as commit any disqualifying act as abuse or neglect of a patient as well as misappropriation of his property. There is no need to renew the license for whatever duration except during the above mentioned circumstances.
Visit this link to find the CNA classes in Iowa that are currently open for enrollment, listed by city.