This page lists the certified nursing assistant classes in Iowa by city. All of the schools that are currently providing certified nursing assistant training are available, including public colleges, private schools, and health care facility programs.
To get more information about the name of the training facility, it’s address, phone number or website visit one of the city links below. Before enrolling in a program make certain that it provides the state recommended amount of instructional hours and proper curriculum to qualify you to take the certification exams.
CNA Classes in Iowa by City
Getting Certified as a Nursing Assistant in Iowa
CNA classes in Iowa are available for those who would like to pursue a career in healthcare as a nurse aide or assistant. Nursing assistants are very much in demand nowadays as more and more people need healthcare and assistance for their day to day living. Much of the older citizens in the state are now enjoying longer lives due to the various improvements in facilities and health measures. But with the growing cost of hospitalization, a lot of patients are looking for cheaper ways of taking care of their own health.
How Much Do Nursing Assistants Make in Iowa
There are about 21,420 employed nursing assistants in the state of Iowa as of 2010 and the demand for such workers are still increasing. The average yearly income for such as occupation is about $23,990 which is higher than the national average. Hourly wages start from $11.27 if you are new in the job. This can get higher as your work experience increases and also to your particular location. The salary ranges through the following averaged rates: $11.27 and $11.70. Hence, one’s annual income as a nursing assistant can range from $15,000 to $46,000 if you have been working for some time already in the field.
What Are the Job Duties of a Certified Nursing Assistant in Iowa
Nursing assistants provide assistance to daily routine activities such as bathing, feeding, grooming, preparing bedding, and informing their patients with particular effects of medications. They are usually the ones who spend some considerable time with patients and work hands-on in taking care of them. They are also responsible for checking a patient’s vital signs and recording a patient’s health progress. They can also administer medications if authorized by their supervising nurse or physician as well as provide emergency aid to their patients.
What are the Requirements to Become a CNA in Iowa
CNA training programs can be had by anyone who would like to work as CNA in Iowa. There are several schools and facilities which offer the course in the state but only those who have been approved by the Department of Inspections and Appeals will be the ones that can provide eligibility for the nurse aide state competency exams. The state requires at least 75 hours of training hours which shall be comprised of 30 classroom sessions, 15 laboratory hours, and another 30 hours of practical training in a clinical setting. Most schools require a high school diploma as well as a physical exam before admission to the program. There is also a required criminal background check to those who would like to enroll in the training. You can read about all of the current CNA certification requirements in Iowa at this link.
What are the Costs of a CNA Training Program in Iowa
Nurse aide training programs can be acquired at several state approved schools such as Belmond-Klemme Community School District, Clinton Community College, Ellsworth Community College, and the DMACC Nursing Assistant program in Newton and Ankeny Campuses. The training usually costs between $800 to $1,500 depending on the facility and the location of the school. There are also programs which provide financial assistance to those who cannot afford their tuition fees as well as to those who are able to be employed within a few months from finishing the course. The state provides reimbursement if you are already employed while you were taking the course.
Do you know of any state approved schools that are not shown on this website, or would you like to help correct a listing that has the wrong phone number, or address? If so, please contact us so we can keep this directory up to date and useful for those looking to take a nursing assistant class.