This page offers all of the available certified nursing assistant classes located in New Mexico sorted by city. The schools provided on this directory are all of the state approved training that are open for enrollment at this time. City listings include colleges, vocational programs, and health care facilities.
To receive additional information about signing up for a classes, certification requirements, or tuition costs, you should click on a New Mexico city link. There you will find contact details you can use to get all the information you need about training programs. Before enrolling in any training make sure the class is approved by the state and offers curriculum which qualifies you to take the certification exams.
CNA Classes in New Mexico by City
Alamogordo Albuquerque Carlsbad Clovis Española Farmington Gallup Grants Las Cruces Roswell Tucumcari |
Becoming Certified as a Nursing Assistant in New Mexico
CNA classes in New Mexico are very affordable and the courses usually last for only a few months which means that you can earn your employment more quickly than any other type of work in the field of healthcare. There are also a lot of facilities and institutions which offer the course in this state and you will not find it hard to find a school that would suit your needs. There is a huge demand for certified workers in this state and if you would like to be employed as a nursing assistant, taking a nurse aide course is one of your best options.
Nursing assistants are currently in demand due to the increasing number of people who are seeking aide and assistance for their daily needs. Most people nowadays live to a longer life because of the recent developments in healthcare and technology which has made it possible. Aside from that, the cost of hospitalization being more expensive that what nursing and long-term facilities charge, more and more patients are seeking the services of such facilities. The number of nursing assistants are also lacking hence creating a large demand for these types of workers.
What are the Requirements to Become a CNA in New Mexico
If you would like to work as a nursing assistant, you should first undergo a state-approved training program. You should look for a school or a nursing facility which offers nursing assistant training which has been approved by the New Mexico Human Services Department. The facility should conform to the state rules and regulations in order for their graduating students to be allowed to take the certification competency exam. The exam, which has both a written and a skills test, is needed in order to gain certification and to be able to work as a nurses aide. There should be at least 75 hours of training which should include 16 hours of practical training. Examinations are given online by Prometric for the written portion.
CNA training programs are aimed at teaching students with the basic skills and knowledge that is needed for nursing assistant work. The course includes basic patient care, emergency procedures, resident rights and independence, communication skills, work ethics, and medical terminology. The last is needed for the technical aspect of the job as well as in the handling of medical equipments. They also prepare patient’s rooms, feeding, bathing and grooming of residents.
The state of New Mexico requires that those seeking to enroll in CNA training programs should be at least 18 years of age, has passed the state and federal criminal background check, has a negative TB result, and is physically capable of doing health care work. They should also possess a high school diploma or its equivalent by the time of enrollment. Visit this link for a full list of all of the CNA certification requirements in New Mexico.
How Much Does CNA Training Cost in New Mexico
There are several institutions which offer nurse aide certification training in the state. They are Eastern New Mexico University, Central New Mexico Community College, Dona Ana Community College, and New Mexico State University. The cost for the training is very cheap ranging from $450 to $850 which covers the tuition fees, books, and scrubs. The average annual salary for a CNA in New Mexico is about $19,000.
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