Below you can find all of the currently available certified nursing assistant classes in Nebraska listed by their city. To check what training programs are available in a particular city click the link. Inside each city link you will find the name of the school, address, phone number and a map showing you its location.
You must make sure the program you wish to join is approved by the state and meets state certification requirements. Training instruction can be conducted at nursing homes, vocational schools, public schools and colleges.
CNA Classes in Nebraska by City
Beatrice Hebron Lincoln McCook Nebraska City Norfolk O’Neill Omaha South Sioux City West Point |
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Nebraska
CNA classes in Nebraska are the best way for you to acquire a certification as a nursing assistant. The state has a lot of state-approved training programs which provide affordable yet high-quality education to those who wish to enroll. Nursing assistant training programs in the state of Nebraska aims to equip the student with the required information and skills with regards to nursing aide work. Being a nursing assistant provides you with the opportunity to work in a health care facility without a lot expenses in either time or money.
What are the Requirements to Become a Nursing Assistant in Nebraska
Nursing assistant training programs require at least 75 hours of training in both classroom and practical training sessions. Students are expected to perfect the knowledge and skills which shall be taught in the training in order to deliver efficient nursing aide skills by the time they get hired. Some of these skills include feeding, bathing, dressing, grooming, assisting with toilet needs, and arranging their patient’s bedrooms. They are also responsible for documenting their patient’s physical progress as well as relating that information to their medical supervisors. Hence, nursing assistants also need to learn about medical terminologies and equipments so that they can communicate effectively with their superiors. Aside from that, nursing aides also provide emotional comfort and support to both their patients and their families.
The state of Nebraska requires that training facilities be approved by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services in order to assure that programs comply with the state’s requirements. Applicants should also be at least 16 years old, able to understand English, have a negative TB test, and undergo various immunizations. The applicant should also pass the state and federal criminal background check and should not be found to have any convictions with regards to crimes involving theft, drugs, or violence. You can click this link to read more about the nursing assistant certification requirements in Nebraska.
How Much Do CNA training Schools Cost in Nebraska
CNA training programs can be found in community colleges, high schools, nursing facilities, and universities. The tuition fees can range from $400-$800 depending on the type of facility. The course can also be offered for free in nursing facilities especially if they are going to hire you after you graduate from the program. The costs cover books and other study materials and sometimes even cost of the examination. The school may require you to wear proper uniforms, shoes and have a watch and also to possess the proper fitness in order to accomplish nursing aide work.
Where Are the Best Places to Get a CNA Certification in Nebraska
There are several institutions which offer nurse aide training programs in the state of Nebraska. There is the Nebraska Methodist College and Clarkson College. Their courses offer about 80 hours of training having 3 days of classes each week. The training costs about $450 which includes tuition fees, course materials, and textbooks. They also provide the practical training in a licensed nursing facility. Once the applicant has successfully finished the course, he or she may then challenge the state competency exam which costs about $100.
How Much Money Does a Nursing Assistant Make in Nebraska
After passing the examinations, one’s name will then be entered at the Nebraska Nurse Aide Registry. A typical nursing aide in Nebraska can earn about $25,000 annually and the average hourly rate is about $12.
Do you know of any state approved nurse aide training schools that are not being offered on this directory, or would you like to help fix incorrect information? If so please contact us here so we can offer the most current information.