On this page you’ll find specific information to the certified nursing assistant classes in Rhode Island listed by their city. All of the programs listed here are state approved and as the writing of this post meet the instruction requirements of the state certification exams. You can click on a city link below to get additional details about the training programs being offered there. Listings include the name of the school, facility address, and phone number. There is also a map showing the locations of each school.
As a helpful reminder, do make sure to verify with a training facility that they are currently accredited with the state before you enroll in classes. The successful completion of a program that provides 100 hours of training that includes 16 hours of physical skills practice is required at this time.
Nursing Assistant Classes in Rhode Island By City
Coventry Cranston East Providence Lincoln Middletown Newport North Kingstown North Providence Providence Warren Warwick Westerly Woonsocket |
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Rhode Island
One can enroll in CNA classes in Rhode Island in order to gain certification to be allowed to work in the state of RI. The state requires all those who would like to work as a nursing assistant to be certified first before being hired. Nursing aide training programs are there to help you gain the certification within just a few weeks and for only a few hundred dollars. With the demand for health workers continually growing through the years, today might be the best time to enroll oneself in a nursing aide training program.
What Are the CNA Certification Requirements in Rhode Island
Nursing aide training programs usually lasts for about four to eight weeks before one can apply to challenge the state competency examinations for nurse aides. There is a minimum rate of 100 hours of training in order to gain eligibility to the state examinations. The training program should also contain at least 20 hours of clinical training in order to be approved by the Rhode Island Department of Health. Without this department’s approval, anyone who graduates from the course would not be allowed to take the state competency exam for nursing assistant certification. Click this link to read all of the CNA certification requirements in Rhode Island.
What Are the Job Duties of a CNA in RI
Nursing aide training programs aim to equip their students with the basic knowledge and skills which is required in order to effectively deliver nursing aide services. Common subjects which are discussed in the course are infection control, restorative care, emergency procedures such as CPR, basic patient care, resident rights and independence, and communication skills. They are also taught how to prepare their patient’s rooms, meals and how to dress and groom their patients. They also take subjects regarding medical terminologies, taking of vital signs, anatomy, physiology, death, dying, and proper handling of patients for transportation and mobilization.
Nursing assistants work under the supervision of registered nurses or licensed physicians and their tasks are all dictated by their superiors. They can administer medication if allowed by state laws and they also help educate their patients and their families with regards to certain medications and their side-effects. They also help the patient’s family during the process of dying and also after the loss of the patient.
Where Are the Best Places to Get Nursing Assistant Training in Rhode Island
There are several institutions in Rhode Island which offers CNA training programs such as high schools, nursing facilities, long-term care institutions, and community colleges and technical and vocational schools. Training programs are required to be approved first by the Rhode Island Department of Health in order for their graduates to be eligible for the state certification exams. One can look for the state approved trainings by going to the website of Rhode Island’s Department of Health where they keep a list of their active and approved training sites.
How Much Money Do Nursing Assistants Make in RI
After successfully finishing the course, the applicant may then apply to challenge the state competency exam for nursing assistants. The exam is composed of both a written and skills portion which the student should successfully pass in order to become certified. There are about 8,000 certified nursing aides in the state of Rhode Island and one can expect an annual salary of about $21,000 to $37,000 as a nursing assistant.