The certified nursing assistant schools in King, Wisconsin that are listed on this page are all the state recommended training programs that are open for enrollment and approved by the state of Wisconsin. Call the school using the phone number listed below to get more details about enrolling in classes, program schedules, or the cost of tuition.
KING, WI 54946-
(715) 258-1668
(Multiple classes are being offered)
A person may only work in Wisconsin as a nursing assistant if he or she is listed on the Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry and have an active certification. The certification is automatically sent to the person’s address upon entering the NAR. To get into the NAR, an aspirant will have to successfully complete a state-approved training course and pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam (NNAAP exam).
You can only apply for the NNAAP exam once you complete your training. The most common way of qualifying for the exam is by finishing a CNA training program. These programs can be found being offered by hospitals, community colleges, nursing homes, vocational and technical schools, other healthcare institutions and schools. Approved training programs take a minimum of 120 hours of training, of which 32 hours are allocated for supervised clinical practice. Depending on the program you choose, it can take you from about 4 to 24 weeks to complete your training.
You can be exempted from the training requirement if you meet any of the following eligibility routes:
• Student nurse
• Graduate nurse who has not passed the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN
• Military-trained medic or corpsman
• Foreign-trained nurse
• Out-of-state nursing student or student
• A nursing assistant with a lapsed certificate
• Home health nursing aide
• Reciprocity
The NNAAP exam was designed to test the competency of all aspiring nursing assistant candidates. It is divided into a multiple-choice knowledge exam and a clinical skills test. Aspirants have the option to choose whether to take the oral or written test for the knowledge test. Aspirants are given 120 minutes to answer all 70 questions on the knowledge test and 30 minutes to perform the required nursing skills/procedures.
Each aspiring candidate is given 3 attempts to pass both tests. These attempts are only valid within one year after completing their training. If they fail, they’ll have to reapply, reschedule, and repay for the corresponding exam that they’ll be taking once more. If a candidate fails to get certified within 3 attempts, or within one year after training, whichever comes first, then he or she will have to undergo retraining.
To help you better prepare for the exams, you should get a copy of the candidate handbook by visiting The handbook contains important information regarding the exam, as well as sample exams. It also contains the complete list of skills that may come out of the skills exam.
This is a census-designated place that is a part of Waupaca County. It is also a part of the Chain O’ Lakes-King, Wisconsin CDP. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 1,750 people. It has a total area of approximately 2.326 sq miles and has a population density of 752.4/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find serving the area include State of Wisconsin Veterans Home At King, Commandant’s Residence Home, Halfway House (King, Wisconsin), Old Hospital, Veterans Cottages Historic District, and Veterans Home Chapel and many more. photo attribution: ufv