Enrolling in a nurse aide program will assist you with passing the state exams and provide you with the skills used on the job. you can see the available schools found in Brookfield, Missouri listed here. To get the most recent information on how to sign-up, contact the facility through their contact number.
Brookfield Area Career Center
122 Pershing Rd, Brookfield, MO 64628
If you plan on entering the medical field, then you should start to consider becoming a nursing assistant. This type of profession is one of the most in demand nowadays and that demand is still continuing to rise. This increase in the demand for nurse aides has also created new job opportunities for other members of the healthcare industry.
The most important thing to have in order to be allowed to work as a nursing assistant is to get your name entered on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. To do this, you must be able to pass the license exams. There are two ways for you to become eligible to take the license exams.
One option is to enroll in a state-approved training program. If you enroll in CNA classes, you will be spending 75 hours for classroom lessons and skills training, and another 100 hours for clinical duties. Some candidates may apply to challenge the exams without engaging in a training course. For this option to be viable the person will need to receive a letter of approval from the state. Another option is by applying for reciprocity. This option is only available for those CNAs who have an active status and are registered to another state’s NA Registry.
The license exams for Missouri are only conducted at approved colleges and nursing facilities. Their exams are composed of a written exam and a skills evaluation on the basic nursing skills. To receive a certificate, the applicant must be able to pass both exams. After being certified workers will need to maintain their active status by submitting work verification every 24 months to the registry. Currently this requirement is set at only 8 hours of time spent in the capacity of a nurse aide every 24 month period.
Brookfield is a city that is in Linn County. According to the census of 2010, their total population is now at 4,542. The city has a total area of approximately 4.3 square miles. Its population density is 1,110.2/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find within the city area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Hutchinson Clinic Inc. (660) 258-2536, Pershing Memorial Hospital – Pershing Home Health/Hospice (660) 258-2222, Preferred Family Healthcare (660) 258-4188, Hofstetter Family Chiropractic Clinic (660) 258-4020, and Community Medical Associates (660) 258-8237. photo attribution: militaryhealth