The valid schools that are conducting nursing assistant training in Richfield, Minnesota are all listed on this page. The programs listed here will give you the experience necessary to complete the state exams and become licensed to work in long-term care facilities and hospitals. Speak to a representative to learn how their instruction can help you.
District 287 South Central Education Center
7450 Penn Ave. South,
Richfield, MN 55423
(612) 355-5800
You will have to be a certified nursing assistant if you wish to work long term in a care facility. During your instruction you will get to practice performing tasks and procedures that will be used day to day while on the job.
The Federal government has created specifications for training and testing requirements for nurse aide that are in long term institutions. Approved training programs are required to provide its students no less than 75 hours of training. It has also approved of two curriculums that a program may teach. These are the CNA classes that are approved and given by the Red Cross and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
In order for your license exams to be valid, you should only take them at approved testing sites. You can find a list of these sites at The license exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation exam. To get your license, you will need to pass them both.
To help the candidates to prepare for the exams, they are offering a candidate handbook for them to review on. These handbooks contain the overview for the test, which includes the list of skills that may come out for the 2nd part of the exams. They also contain some sample questions for the written portion of the tests. You can get a copy of the handbook at You can only be a certified nursing aide if you have taken and passed the exams. The tests are composed of two parts, a written and a practical part. You will have to pass both parts for you to pass the state exams. Take note that your license expires in two years and will have to be renewed by then.
Richfield is a part of Hennepin County. The community was founded back in the 1850s as a farming community. You can find this city bordered by Minneapolis, Bloomington, and Edina. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 35,228 people. They have a total area of approximately 7.1 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. The city has a population density that is estimated to be about 4,991/sq mile.
The Richfield Health Center is considered to be the 9th biggest employer in the city. Other health care centers that are located in the area include Southdale Allergy & Asthma Clinic, LLC, Minnesota Eye Consultants PA, MINCEP Epilepsy Care, Associated Podiatrists, Hennepin Care Richfield, and many more. photo attribution: abbeyfieldkent