Certified nurse aide training in North Mankato, Minnesota can be found on this page. Enrolling in a school course is a good idea if you are new to the health care profession and would like assistance with passing the competency exams. Programs listed here are all the current classes that are being offered in the city.
South Central College
1920 Lee Blvd.,
North Mankato, MN 56003
(507) 389-7200
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Minnesota is not so hard if you know what the requirements are. They are very much similar to other programs from other states.
You are not required to complete a nursing assistant training program. However, taking a schools course will help you pass the state exams and make it easier to be hired by an employer. If you are already working in a nursing facility as a nurse aide, then you should complete the requirements before 4 months from the start of working.
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to find a state-approved training program to enroll in. These programs take an average of a couple of months to complete, depending on which program you enroll in. To ensure top quality training, the Federal government has outlined the important matters that should be included in the training program as well as the competency evaluation programs afterwards.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be spending a total of 75 hour in classroom lectures, skills training, as well as clinical duties. For a program to be approved, the nursing home where it conducts its clinical portion of the program must not have any fines within the past 24 months. It also must not have operated with a waiver of the 8 hour/day RN requirement within that same time.
The competency exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration of the nursing skills. In order to become eligible to apply for the Registry, the candidate must pass all the tests. The candidate can get an overview of the exams and a copy of the complete list of the skills that will possibly be on the exams by downloading the candidate handbook at http://www.asisvcs.com/indhome_fs.asp?CPCAT=0624NURSE.
The city of North Mankato is found in both Blue Earth and Nicollet County. Its nearby city is Mankato, which is found just across the Minnesota River. This city is a primary city of the Mankato-North Mankato Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 13,394 residents. The city has a total area of approximately 4.8 sq miles and a population density of 2,502.5/sq mile. Major roads that are accessible from the city include U.S. Routes 14,169, and State Highway 60.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are being offered in the area include Southern MN TMJ Clinic, South Central College Center for Business and Industry – Basic Healthcare, Jill Peterson MS Licensed Psychologist, Mankato Clinic – Practice, Alliance Health Care, Phillips Jeannine Certified Physicians, Sparks Randal P., and many more. photo attribution: eguchi_onion