The schools in Macon, Georgia that are offering CNA classes that are currently open for enrollment are shown on this page. Contact the college phone number shown below to get more information about how to join a course, program curriculum, and schedules.
Central Georgia Technical College – St. Marys
3300 Macon Tech Drive,
Macon, GA 31206
(478) 757-3585
Those who desire to become certified to work as a nurse aide in Georgia must take several steps. To start out one must enroll in a program that has been licensed by the state registry and offers the appropriate amount of instruction. In addition training needs to include theoretical coursework and skills training in a hands-on setting. Programs require a high school diploma or GED to enroll . Other documentation need includes fingerprint cards, background checks, and government issues identification.
Generally instruction programs for nursing assistant are found in a variety of institutions. Some of the common schools offered are located in acute facilities, nursing homes, high schools, private post-secondary schools, vocational schools and colleges. In the course the student will learn a variety of different skills include the Heimlich Maneuver, CPR, First Aid, range of motion exercises, measuring vital signs [pulse, respiration, blood pressure, temperature], catheter care, transporting patients, safety procedures, and infection control to name a few.
After completing training the student will be able to take the competency exams. These exams are split into two sections which are a written test and a skills exam. Completion of both parts of the exams are necessary to become certified and placed on the registry and be listed with active status for employers. Those entered in the registry are valid to work for 24 months. One must work 8 hours during that time in order to be allowed to renew a certification. You can call the George Nurse Aide Registry to learn more about requirements by calling them at (678) 527-3010 locally or (800) 414-4358.
This city is the county seat of Bibb County. A small part of the city is included in Jones County. It is considered as the biggest city in central Georgia. It is also a part of the Macon metropolitan area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 91,351. Its total area is estimated to be 56.3 sq miles.
Health care facilities that you can find serving the city include Fresenius Medical Care, North Macon Family Endocrine, Macon Medical Clinic, Macon Volunteer Clinic, Regency Hospital Central GA, and Northndge Family Healthcare Center. photo attribution: codnewsroom