The certified nursing assistant schools in Eads that have been verified and approved by the state of Colorado are listed in detail for you on this page. For more information about getting your certification, class schedules, or tuition fees, please contact the phone number below.
Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital and Nursing Home
PO Box 817
Eads, CO 81036
Program director: Jodi Stozenberger, RN
Before you can handle patients as a nursing assistant, you must first have the proper education and training to do so. You can get the training when you enroll in a state-approved CNA program. Your training will be divided into theoretical lessons and hands-on skills training. You will be spending at least 80 hours for both to complete the course.
Once you complete the program, you can then apply for the state competency exams, provided that you meet the other prerequisites. Aside from the completion of the training program, you will also need to pass the background checks that will be done at federal and state levels. In order to determine that you are free from any form of communicable diseases and that you are physically capable of taking care of patients, you must undergo immunization and physical exams. The minor requirements for the NNAAP examination include the submission of your transcript of record, the complete application form, ID photo, fingerprint cards, as well as payment for the exams. You will have 24 months to take the exams. If you fail to take it within that time frame, your application will expire and you will have to submit the requirements again. For more information, you can contact Pearson VUE at (888) 274- 5050.
This is a Statutory town that is found in Kiowa County. It is also the county seat for the said county. It has been the county seat since 1901. As of the latest census, their total population was at 747 people. It is considered to be the most populous city in the entire county. It has a a total area of approximately 0.5 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 1,494/sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find within the city include Eads Medical Clinic (719) 438-2251, Kiowa Home Health Services (719) 438-5765, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed