The certified nursing assistant schools located in Dover, New Jersey are all listed here. If you know of other listings that are open for enrollment in the area, you can send them to us and we will add them to the page.
Ace Healthcare Training Institute Inc.
8 South Morris Street,
Dover, NJ 07801
(973) 366-7171
Since there are two different types of nursing assistants in New Jersey, there are also two different CNA training programs that you can choose from. These are NATCEP and PCA. NATCEP is for those who wish to work in long-term health care institution, while PCA is for those who want to be in home care. The type of program you enrolled in will also determine the type of license exams that you are going to apply for.
A CNA certification is a requirement to work in the state of New Jersey as a nursing assistant. According to the law, all those who want to work in either a long-term healthcare center or a sub-acute unit must have a valid license/certificate. Those that work in an acute care unit may not necessarily be certified. The certification process for this state consists of passing the background checks for criminal records, completing a state-approved training program, and passing the competency examinations which are given by PSI through various testing centers.
The nursing assistant certification last only for 24 consecutive months. It must be renewed before it expires if you want to continue your eligibility to work as a CNA. Since PSI maintains the New Jersey NA Registry, their renewal mailer will send you a notification around 45 days before the expiration of your license/certificate. The renewal process requires the following:
• Having a valid license/certificate
• Being able to provide proof of having worked for a minimum of 7 hours as a paid nursing assistant in a healthcare facility or an agency that is approved by the Department of Health.
• Being able to pass the criminal background check with fingerprinting.
• License/certificate must not have been revoked or suspended.
If you have any additional questions about the renewal process, you can call the PSI Customer service at 1-877-774-4243 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST.
You will also need to contact the CBI unit at (609) 292-4303 to schedule for your CBI. Since you are only renewing your license, there is no need to apply for the CBI again. The notice for the update on your criminal background check records will usually come before your license/certificate renewal notice. In the renewal process, there will no longer be any fingerprinting. The CBI Unit will just inform PSI once you are cleared.
This is a town that is in Morris County. It is located on the Rockaway River. You can find this city about 31 miles west from New York City and a few miles from Newark. As of the latest census taken there, their total population had reached up to a total of 18,157 people. They have a population density of 6,788.2/sq mile. The total area of the town is estimated to be around 2.730 sq miles, where almost all of it is land.
The health care providers that are serving the town and its people include Saint Clare Behavioral Health Center, Zufall Health Center, Compassionate Care Hospice, Saint Clare’s Hospital – Clinic Medical, Community Health Center At Dover, and many more. photo attribution: create-learning