The certified nursing assistant classes in Mancos, Colorado that are shown to you on this page are all of the licensed instruction programs currently available. If you have any questions regarding their enrollment process, and training programs, tuition costs, or school schedules, just call the number provided below.
Southwest Colorado Community College
33057 Highway 160
Mancos, CO 81328
Program Coordinator: Lee Ungnade, RN
Valley Inn
211 3rd Ave
Mancos, CO 81328
Contact: Amber Crites, RN
Because of the increasing demand for nursing assistants in the state of Colorado, more and more people looking for ways to get a CNA license. There are several different requirements that must be met in order to become a nursing assistant. Among them, the most important include the completion of a state-approved training program, passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exams, as well as the background checks for criminal records.
Anyone who wishes to become a nursing assistant must pass the NNAAP exams, even if you already posses a nurse aide license that was issued from a different state. This also applies to LPN, LPT, and RNs who have an active license. For those who have trained outside the United States, you have to contact the Board of Nursing at (303) 894-2437. The application for these cases will take longer since the Board will have to review their application. Every applicant must take the exams within 24 months from the submission of their applications. If they fail to take it within this time frame, their application will expire and they will have to apply and send their documents again.
Mancos is Statutory Town that is situated in Montezuma County. According to the latest census there, their total population was at 1,119 people. You can find this town in the south-western part of Colorado. It was founded back in 1894 by Spanish explorers. It has a total area of approximately 0.6 sq miles and a population density of 1,865/sq mile. Major highways that are serving this city include U.S. Highway 160 and State Highway 184.
Health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Johnson Margaret Ph.D. Clinical Psycologist (970) 533-7482, Four Corners OB-GYN (970) 382-8800, and Mancos Valley Health Center (970) 533-9125. photo attribution: departmentofed