Are you looking to become a certified nurse aide? Below you can locate the state approved CNA classes that are found in Wilmington, California. If you know any other state recognized schools that provide training in this area, then just send them to us so we can add them to the list.
Los Angeles Harbor College
1111 Figueroa Place
Wilmington, CA 90274
(310) 233-4262
One of the best ways to start a career in the field of health is to become a nursing assistant. Those in this occupation are very in demand throughout the Country in different healthcare settings. One reason for this is that there are now a large number of the population who are aging and have larger health needs. To work as one, you must get your name on the Nurse Aide Registry and get a CNA certification.
The tasks nursing assistants do mainly depend on what tasks are delegated by the nurses. These include basic nursing procedures as well as a number of tasks that might be distressing for most people such as changing the bedpans and the patients’ diapers.
Nursing assistants work closely with the patients, almost throughout the entire day. It is important that all aspiring nursing assistants know how to properly take care of the patients as well as their roles and responsibilities. That is why the first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to attend a state-approved Nurse Aide Training Program (NATP).Training programs will provide aspirants with the knowledge and skills that they will need to take care of the patients.
Some of the requirements to be able to enroll in a class include submitting ID photos, fingerprint cards, the completed application form, as well as paying the fees for instruction. An important requirement is passing the background checks since this will greatly influence the board’s decision to let you take the exams. To help determine your eligibility you can contact the California Department of Public Health at 916-327-2445.
Once you are through with the program, the next step is to challenge the certification exam. The exam consists of a written/oral knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. Passing the certification exam will get your name entered on the Nurse Aide Registry. The people whose names are on the Registry are those who have met both the federal and state’s training and testing requirements. You must pass both portions of the exam within 24 months of taking your school course and you are allowed three attempts for each portion of the test.
Once you are name is on the Registry, California’s Aide and Technician Certification Section will send you your CNA certificate within 10 business days after passing. You may show your certificate to your potential employers as proof that you are a competent nursing assistant. Employers, however, will still verify your certification by going to before hiring you. If you wish to check your own status, you may also use the link provided.
If your name is on the Registry, it is your responsibility to maintain and update your record. You must inform the ATCS if you change your name or address. To avoid any problems later one, please inform the ATCS within 60 days of the change. You can inform them by sending them the Request for Name/Address Change form. Keep note that updating your information on the Registry is free.
Wilmington is another district in L.A. that is adjacent to the Port of Los Angeles, Harbor City, and San Pedro. This district is also the only major American Civil War landmark in the entire state. The zip code of the place is 90744 and 90748. As of the last census, their total population was estimated to be around 51,734 people with a population density of 4,179.
The health care industry in the city is mainly controlled by Kaiser Carson Chemical Dependency Recovery Program, Chacon Leonard Medical Clinic, Collins Chiropractic, Avalon Family Medical Group, Wilmington Community Clinic, Family Care, Northeast Community Clinic, Global Medical Clinic, Harbor Comprehensive Medical Group, Stevedores Physicians Group, American AAA Health Care Center, Community Health Projects Inc., Los Angeles County Health Care Centers, Casabar Ruben S MD Inc., and the Taiwan Buddhist Tzu CHI Medical. photo attribution: ufv