Schools for certified nursing assistants in West Des Moines, Iowa that are open for enrollment are shown below. Included in the list are all of the available colleges, high schools, community training centers, and health care based facilities that provide certified training.
5959 Grand Ave.,
West Des Moines, IA 50266
(515) 633-2400
Before you are allowed to handle any patient/resident as a nurse aide, you will need to find a training program to enroll in. When you are still looking, keep in mind that to become eligible for the CNA license exams, you must be able to complete a training program that is approved by the state. These programs are found all over the state and can be completed within a matter of a few weeks of continuous training.
These programs are required by the state to offer at least 75 hours of training. Those training hours will be divided into 45 hours of theoretical lessons and a minimum of 30 hours of clinical experiences. Before you go to the clinical area for your clinical rotations, you will first be trained on the basic nursing skills like proper hand washing, taking vital sings, making progress notes, assisting in the patient’s daily activities such as ROM exercises and ambulation.
Once you are through with your training, you can then send your application with the necessary paperwork. Many of the training centers in the state are also able to conduct the license exams. According to the rules, must be able to pass the background checks in order to proceed and take the exams. For more information, please call the Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry from their phone line at 515-281-4077 or 1-866-876-1997. Those who have taken a training course outside of the state can apply for reciprocity to avoid retaking a program. When they apply they should make sure that they are in good terms with the state they came from and have no criminal records. Once they pass the background check, they may be able to work as certified nursing assistants in Iowa.
This city is a part of Dallas, Warren, and Polk Counties. It is considered as one of the wealthiest cities in the state. It is also the second-largest city in the state, after the capital of the state- Des Moines. With a total population of 56,609 residents, it is the 10th most populous city in Iowa. It has a population density of 777.1/sq mile. The total area of this city is estimated to be 27.6 sq miles, where only less than 1 square mile of it is water.
Health care providers that are in West Des Moines are E P True Chiropractic, Physicians Eye Clinic, Langel Chiropractic, Dunn Chiropractic, Best Foot Forward Clinic, Surgery Center Of Des Moines, Lakeview Surgery Center, Fountain West Health Care Center, Vein Centers For Excellence Of Des Moines, Blank Children’s Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, Winter Therapy & Consulting Services, LLC, Premier Health Associates, Iowa Health Care Association, Mercy Health Network, and many more.
Visit this link to find if there are additional CNA classes in the city of Des Moines. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences