Training courses in Waterloo, Iowa that are currently listed on this page are all the certified nursing assistant classes that are available for enrollment. If you have any questions about the programs, such as program curriculum, state certification requirements, or training schedules, please call a program listed below.
Hawkeye Community College
1501 East Orange Rd.,
Waterloo, IA 50701
(319) 296-2320
Before you become a nursing assistant, you should know the state requirements to be certified. To be certified you should have attended a school that provides a nursing assistant training program that is approved by the state. When you look for one, you should keep in mind to only select a program that is licensed by the state and provides the appropriate amount of hourly instruction. This is to ensure that you will be allowed to apply for the license exams afterwards. Certified programs are required to offer at least 75 hours of training. Your training will be composed of classroom instructions and clinical duties.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be taught different concepts like infection control, mental health, rehabilitation, medical terms, therapeutic communication techniques, and other topics of the Fundamentals of Nursing. You will also be trained on the basic nursing skills like monitoring the vital signs, assisting in feeding, performing partial or full bed baths, help in ambulation and ROM exercises, and other daily activities.
After you complete your training, you can then send in your applications to the nearest testing center. Most of the training facilities are also authorized to conduct the license exams. You will need to pass all the tests to get your name entered in the state’s Direct Care Worker Nurse Aide Registry. The certification exams include skills and written competency tests. After certification a nurses aide must work within a two year consecutive period or risk having to retake both exams.
Waterloo is the county seat of Black Hawk County. Founded in 1845, the town was originally known as “Prairie Rapids Crossing”. It is included in the Waterloo – Cedar Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. This city is the more populous among the two main cities. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 68,406 people. This makes them the 5th most populous city in Iowa. They have a total area of 62.0 sq miles, and a population density of 1,087.3/sq mile.
Health care facilities that are currently located within the city include Amosson Chiropractic, Peoples Community Health Clinic, Advance Chiropractic, Covenant Clinic, Allen Physicians & Clinics, Family Health Center Of Waterloo, John Deere Medical Group Of Waterloo PC, Northeast Iowa Podiatry PC, O’Hara Chiropractic Office, Black Hawk County Health Department , Emergency Practice Associates, and many more. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences