The certified nursing assistant school programs in Troy, North Carolina are listed below. Students should only enter courses that have proper curriculum and are approved by the state. For more information about classroom instruction, certification requirements, or tuition fees, just call the number below.
Montgomery Community College
1011 Page Street, Troy, NC 27371-8387
(910) 576-6222
Getting a CNA license is considered to be the best and most practical means of starting a career in healthcare. Once you get a nurse aide license, you can also further your knowledge and skills by taking advance training programs, which are only available to those who already possess a nurse aide license.
For example, you can train to be a CMA. A certified medication aide/assistant is a nursing assistant who is trained to administer selected medications to the patients, while still under the supervision of the registered nurses.
The initial requirements to be a CMA are to possess a valid CNA license and have a clean record with the Nurse Aide I Registry. Once you have met the two mentioned, you will be allowed to enroll and complete a 24-hour training program that is approved by the N.C. Board of Nursing. You will be taught the basic knowledge and skills needed to function properly as a medication aide.
By completing a state-approved training course, you will be eligible to apply for the state competency exam. The medication aide competency examination in North Carolina is still handled by Pearson VUE. The exam consists of a 60-item multiple-choice exam, which will be administered on an electronic testing system. This means that you will know if you will be certified on the same day as you took your exam.
Getting on the Medication Aide Registry means that you are able to administer certain medications in a nursing facility in North Carolina, but not in and adult care home. If you want to know about how you will be allowed to give out medications in an adult care home, you can contact the state’s Division of Health and Human Services at (919) 855-3765.
Medication aides on the Medication Aide Registry are required to renew their licenses in order to remain eligible to work as a medication aide. To be eligible for renewal, you must work for pay as a CMA for a minimum of 8 hours every 2 years. Failure to renew your license will cause it to expire. An expired license can no longer be renewed. If you want to work as a CMA, you will need to undergo retraining and retesting.
This town is the county seat of Montgomery County. It has a total area of approximately 3.0 square miles, where almost all of it is land. According to the latest census there, their total population at that time was 3,430 people. Its population density is estimated to be 1,156.8/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find within the city include Sandhills Center (910) 576-0535, Aurora Family Counseling Center (910) 572-3066, Behavioral Health-Mentor (910) 576-1188, Neuroscience Center (336) 308-5256, Troy Medical Services (910) 572-2309, Devereux Dennis MD (910) 572-2309, Firsthealth Family Care Center-Troy (910) 571-5510, and Family Care Associates (910) 576-0042. photo attribution: ufv