Signing up for certified nurse aide training through one of the authorized schools is a great way to start pursing your certification. You can locate all of the available classes in Staples, Minnesota listed on this page. If you know of other listings that are open for enrollment, please contact us and we will add them to the page.
Staples-Motley School District
401 Centennial Lane,
Staples, MN 56479
(218) 894-2431
If you follow the requirements of the state of Minnesota, becoming a nursing assistant there will not take very long and you can qualify to be reimbursed for your training expenses. The first step is to complete an instruction program that is approved by the state. You will learn in the programs the skills and knowledge needed to properly care for patients. After which, you can then apply to take the nursing assistant license exams. You need to pass the two parts of the test to get your license.
One great thing about becoming a nursing aide in Minnesota is that a person can already work as a nursing assistant prior to applying for the NAR if one enrolls in CNA classes that are approved by the state immediately. During that time, the hiring facility will have to assure that the person is well capable of handling the patients/residents. The candidate will be given a maximum of 4 months to complete his training, pass the license exams, and get his name on the Registry.
A person who was able to complete a state-approved training program and pass the competency exams but is still not on the NAR may also start working as a nursing aide. This of course is if you fax your proof of training and your scores for the exams to the NAR. It will take around a month to get your name in the Registry. The hiring facility has to remember that the scores itself does not guarantee that the person will get in the Registry. They are still required to call the Registry at (651) 215-8705 or 1-800-397-6124 to verify the license status of the person.
If the facility has any questions about the background checks of an individual, they will have to direct all questions regarding criminal records to the Department of Human Services, Background Studies and Investigation Section. They can contact the department by calling (651) 296-3971. The Registry does not keep any records pertaining to background checks.
The city of Staples is a part of both Todd and Wadena Counties. According to the 2010 census, their total population had reached up to a total of 2,981 people. They have an estimated population density of 685/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 4.5 sq miles, where all of it is land. Major highways that are accessible from Staples are State Highway 210 and U.S. Route 10.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are in Staples include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Northern Eye Center, Lakewood Clinic, MidWest Family Eye Center PA, Next Step, and Lakewood Health System.