The nursing assistant classes in Stafford, Connecticut that are currently enrolling in certification training are listed here. If you have any questions about their instruction, or wish to enroll, please call the number provided for you below.
Evergreen Health Care Center
205 Chestnut Hill Road
Stafford, CT 06076
(860) 684-6341
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in approved CNA classes. You should make sure that before you enroll the program you choose is licensed by the state. Only those who complete a state-approved program will be allowed to apply for the license exams. According to the list of the Department of Public Health, there are around 155 certified programs that you can choose from. A program can only be certified if it offers its student 100 hours of training and is coordinated by a registered nurse with a minimum of 2 years of experience. The program must also teach the topics that were identified by both federal and state to be important in being a nursing assistant. It must also teach 25 basic competency skills during the skills training.
After you comply with this requirement, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. The nurse aide license exams for Connecticut are conducted by Thomson Prometric. In their exams, you will encounter a written exam for your first test and a skills demonstration for the second part of the exams. To get your license, you must pass all the exams. It will be the Department of Public Health who will give you your license if you pass. You can get a copy of the application form at, as well as other important details.
This is a town that can be found in Tolland County. The origin of this town was just a simple agricultural community near the Willimantic River. It was first settled in 1719. According to the latest census taken there, their total population was around 11,307 people. Stafford has a total area of approximately 58.8 sq miles, where only 0.8 square miles of it is water. Its population density is estimated to be 195.1/sq mile.
The Johnson Memorial Medical Center, Evergreen Health Care Center, and Family Birth Suites at the Nirenberg Center are the main health care centers that are serving this town. These three care centers are also found serving other towns and cities as well. photo attribution: departmentofed