This page offers all of the current nurse aide schools that are offering certification programs in Spirit Lake, Iowa that are open for instruction. Call the facility to get info on class enrollment, program curriculum, and tuition rates. If you know of other listings that are being offered in the area, you may send them to us and we will add them to the list if they are state approved.
Iowa Lakes Community College
800 21st Street,
Spirit Lake, IA 51360
(712) 336-1357
The state requires that your name should first be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry before you are allowed to work in any healthcare facility as a nursing assistant. This means that you must be able to pass all the tests in the license exams to get your name entered. Before you can take the exams, you have to become eligible to apply for it first. To do so, you have to be able to complete a CNA training program that is approved by the state. For this to happen you must complete a training program that provides at least 30 hours of clinical duties in a nursing facility or hospital and a total of 75 hours of instruction. Afterwards you can then send in your application form along with the other important documents like the results for your federal and state background checks for criminal records. If you are not able to pass the background checks, you will not be allowed to proceed and take the exams.
Nursing assistants from other states who wish to work in Iowa must apply for reciprocity. Those who are applying through reciprocity are also required to pass the background checks. If they are able to pass, they will no longer be required to undergo retraining or retake the exams. you can learn more about the Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry and ask specific questions by calling 515-281-4077 or 1-866-876-1997.
The City of Spirit Lake is the county seat of Dickinson County. You can find the city situated on the western shore of East Okoboji Lake. The city is included in the Iowa Great Lakes region. According to the last census taken in the area, their total population was around 4,261 people. It has a population density of 1,280.2/sq mile. The total area of Spirit Lake is estimated to be about 3.3 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers that are located in the city include Dixon Family Chiropractic, Avera Spirit Lake Medical Center, Avera Spirit Lake Medical Center, Avera Lakes Family Practice, Warner Dialysis Center, Seasons Center for Community Mental Health, Hope Haven Spirit Lake, Avera Clinics, Spirit Lake V A Outpatient Clinic, and Premier Health Services. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences