The nursing assistant schools in Northglenn, Colorado that are approved by the state for certification instruction are all listed for you on this page. For more details about the certified classes being offered in the city, program schedules, or the cost of tuition, please contact the school through the phone number provided.
New Directions
11920 Washington Street
Northglenn, CO 80233
Contact: Marybeth Kuntz, RN
Getting the necessary training from an approved CNA program is an important step in becoming a nursing assistant. These programs are being offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, as well as healthcare facilities. The state requires that the programs being offered in Colorado should have at least 80 hours of both lectures and skills training. As nursing assistant students, they will learn different nursing skills like vital signs monitoring, catheter care, bed bath, feeding through NGTs, maintaining IV patency, as well as perform emergency procedures.
After their training, they can then apply for the competency examination by sending the necessary paperwork like the completed application form, paying the fees, proof of training, health records, and background check results to Pearson VUE. The applicants must take the exams within 2 years from their submission. If they fail to do so, their application will expire and they will have to apply and submit the paperwork again.
This city is a Home Rule Municipality that is a part of both Adams and Weld counties. According to the 2008 census, their total population has now gone over 33,697 people. Its total area is approximately 7.5 square miles, where almost all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 4,210/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include MedExpress Urgent Care (877) 715-7497, Rocky Mountain Urgent Care (877) 889-1522, Adams County Government (303) 452-9547, A Center for Family Medicine (303) 450-8214, Our Lady of Grace Medical Clinic (303) 531-5181, and Community Reach Center (303) 853-3400. photo attribution: departmentofed