Nurse aide training centers in Mason City, Iowa that are listed here have all the instructions that are needed for you to become certified and eligible to work in the state of Iowa. For any questions about enrolling in a training program or certification requirements, feel free to call the number of the program provided below.
North Iowa Area Community College
500 College Drive,
Mason City, IA 50401
(641) 423-1264
Before you can take the state exams to become a certified nursing assistant in the state of Iowa you must finish a nursing assistant training program. These courses are offered by different institutions like colleges, high schools, and even certain healthcare centers. When you are still looking for a program to enroll in, you should only select in a program that is approved by the state to ensure that you will be allowed to take the exams afterwards. While in the program you must have at least 30 hours of clinical experience included in the total of 75 hours’ worth of lectures and trainings.
You can only get one if your name is on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. In order for your name to be entered, you have to be able to pass all the exams in the license exams, which are composed of a written and a skills evaluation. All that you learned during your training will be taken up during the exams. If your name is entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, you will have to maintain that in order to be eligible to work in a nursing facility. If you were not able to work for at least 8 hours with pay during 24 consecutive months, you will be required to undergo retraining and retake the exams.
This city is the county seat of Cerro Gordo County. It is a part of the Mason City Micropolitan Statistical Area. This city, back when it was still a town, had several names before it came to be called its current one. Some of those names were Shibboleth, Masonville, and Masonic Grove. Today, the city is also called as ‘River City’ because of its location. According to the 2010 census, their total population was around 28,079. It is currently the 16th most populous city in all the state. It has a total area of approximately 26.2 sq miles, where 0.4 square miles of it is water.
Health care providers that are currently found in the city include North Iowa Family Health Care, Broman And Jenkins Family Medicine PLC, Mercy Obstetrics And Gynecology Clinic, Mercy Women’s Health Center, Mercy Vascular Center, Mercy Family Medicine Residency, Mercy Family Health Line, Mercy Gynecologic & Birthing Specialists, Mercy Weight Management Clinic, Mason City Clinic PC, and many more. photo attribution: iubmedicalsciences