The nursing assistant schools in Fort Lupton, Colorado that are open for enrollment and have been approved by the state of Colorado are listed on this page. To get more information about how you can sign up for classes that are being offered, please contact the school through the phone number listed below.
Aims Community College
260 College Avenue
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
Director: Heather Brown, RN
Before you can work in Colorado as a nursing assistant, you must first receive the proper training from a state-approved training program. You can find that these programs are being offered by community colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers. For you to complete a program, you must have at least 80 hours of both classroom lectures and skills training. The programs that are being offered here can be finished within 3-4 months depending on the program you enroll in.
Passing a state-approved training program is one of the requirements to take the NNAAP Exams. If you pass the NNAAP exams, your name will be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry, and once your name is entered you will then receive your CNA license. You will not be allowed to work long-term if you do not have a license. If you already are working as a nursing assistant in a healthcare facility, you will only have 4 months to take and pass the license exams. For other cases, you will be given a maximum of 24 months to pass the state exams. If you do not take it within that time, your application will expire and you will have to apply again. Person VUE is the one in charge of conducting the examinations. If you have any questions regarding the exams, you can call them at (888) 274-5050 or go to their office in Aurora, Colorado.
This city is a Statutory City that is situated within Weld County. According to the latest census in the area, their total population was at 6,787 people. It has a total area of approximately 4 sq miles, where all of it is land. It has a population density of 1,696.8/sq mile. This city was named after Lieutenant Lancaster Lupton, who was the one responsible for building the first trading post in the area.
Health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Terry, W Williams, North Range Behavioral Health, Salud Family Health Centers, Plan De Salud Del Valle – Center, McDermott Martin MD, Fort Lupton Medical, Fort Lupton Medical Team PC, and more many more. photo attribution: departmentofed