The nursing assistant schools in Limon, Colorado that you can enroll in as of the moment and are approved by the state are listed on this page. For more information about class schedules, program requirements, and tuition costs, feel free to contact them through the phone number provided.
Morgan Community College
940 2nd St
Limon, CO 80828
Program Coordinator: Jane Reyez, RN
To work in Colorado as a nurse aide, you must have a CNA license. To get a license, you must take the Nurse Aide exams. There are two parts in the exams, the written exams and the skills evaluation. Both of these examinations will be taken on the same day. You have to pass both exams in order to become a certified nurse aide and be listed in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The written exams are sometimes replaced with an oral examination.
The first part of the NNAAP Examination is the written/oral exam. The written exam will have 70 multiple-choice questions while the oral exams. If you will have the oral exams, only 10 of the questions will be multiple-choice reading comprehension which will be given through an audio tape. You will listen to the tape while providing your answers in the booklet. You can get an oral exam if you submit a request along with your application. As for the skills evaluation, you will only have 25 minutes to finish the 5 randomly selected nursing procedures. Your performance will be rated by a nurse aide evaluator. To pass this part, you must perform all 5 of the nursing skills properly.
This town is a Statutory town that is situated in Lincoln County. You can find this town immediately seat of Elbert County. With a total population of 1,880 during the last census, this town is the most populous town in the county. It has a total area of approximately 1.9 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 989.5/sq mile. Major roads that you can access to and from the area include Interstate 70, Highways 24, 287, and 40, State Highways 71 and 86.
Examples of heath care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Plains Medical Center, Centennial Mental Health Clinic, Colorado Eye Associates PC, Foerster, Robert J M.D., and Olson Mark MD. photo attribution: departmentofed