The certified nursing assistant programs in Holly, Colorado that are licensed by the state and providing instruction at this time are listed on this page. For questions regarding the classes that are being offered, schedules, or tuition rates, please contact the school through the phone number below.
Holly Nursing Care Center
320 N. 8th St.
Holly, CO 81047
Program contact: Amy Pierce, RN
Taking the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination is a necessary step if you want to work as a nurse aide in Colorado. It will not matter if you already have a nurse aide license, underwent nursing training programs or have no experience at all. Every single one of the cases mentioned must take this exam. The differences between those mentioned are the requirement for the NNAAP exams. Aside from the completion of a training program, another important requirement is passing the background checks that are done at both federal and state level.
For those who have not yet received any proper training, they must enroll themselves in a program that is approved by the state and complete the required semesters. As for those who have taken either a nursing program or a CNA training course from a different state, they will need to provide a copy of their transcript or a letter of validation from the school where they took the needed credits. Every applicant has a maximum of 24 months to pass the exam. If they fail to do so within that time, their application will expire and they must apply again. For more information, you can call Pearson VUE at (888) 274-5050.
This is an historic Statutory Town that is in Prowers County. It is situated very near the border of Kansas. It is actually about four miles from it. As of the 2000 census, their population was at 1,048 people. Holly has a total area of approximately 0.8 sq miles, where all of it is land. It has a population density of 1,310/sq mile. This town was established back in 1905. Its main economy back then was sugar beet.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are within and near the area include Town of Holly – Administrators Office Tony Garcia DR, Holly Nursing Care Center, Prowers Medical Center, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed