You can find the state recognized CNA schools that are enrolling new applicants listed on this page. These are all of the classes currently available in Elk River, Minnesota. Speak to a program administrator to learn how you can enroll.
Guardian Angels Care Center
400 Evans Ave., Elk River, MN 55330
(763) 441-1213
The completion of CNA classes is a very important step in becoming licensed to work. The Federal government has outlined the exact requirements that a training program must provide its students in order for them to be approved.
Training programs are required to offer no less than 75 hours of training. These hours will already include the clinical duties and the classroom lectures. There are only two approved forms of curriculum that a program may offer. They may either choose the one that was set by the American Red Cross or by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Upon completion of your course you will be allowed to schedule a time to take the license examinations. These currently consist of a a written multiple choice test and a demonstration exam.
The instructors of these programs are required to be registered nurses that have taken the Train the Trainer training program. The Train the Trainer program is offered through the Minneapolis Community and Technical Colleges. In order for an RN to be eligible to become a nurse aide instructor, he/she must have at least 2 years of experience as a nurse and 1 year working in a long term care facility.
If you are a certified nursing assistant in a different state, you can still work in Minnesota. All you have to do is to apply for reciprocity. Nurses from other countries and also welcome to apply for a certification. You should make sure that you are in a good relationship with the state you come from when applying and that your license is still valid. To qualify for this option you will need to submit the Interstate Endorsement Forms to the Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry which give you the ability to transfer your certification if accepted. Contact the registry toll free from out of state at 1-800-397-6124, or locally at (651) 215-8705 to learn more about the process.
The city of Elk River is the county seat of Sherburne County. The city is located a few miles northwest from Minneapolis. It is also situated at the confluence of the Elk and Mississippi Rivers. The city is also known as Energy City and Powered By Nature because of its natural energy sources. According to the 2010 census, their total population was around 22,974 people. They have a population density of 520/sq mile. The city has a total area of 43.8 sq miles, where 1.2 square miles of it is water. Major roads that you can access from the city include U.S. Highways 10, 169, and State Highway 101.
Health care providers that are found in the city include Elk River Physicians, Fairiview Elk River Clinic, Paparella Ear Head and Neck Institute, North Memorial Clinic-Elk River Physicians, Now Care Medical Center, Infinite Light Wellness Center, Fairview Pharmacy, Healthcare Waste Solutions, Metro Dentalcare-Elk River, and many more.