The available nursing assistant classes located in Edina, Minnesota can be seen on this page. This training has been certified by the MN Registry and verified to provide the proper amount of instruction to qualify. Call the school to find out the process required to receive certification.
Health Service Consultants Training Center
7104 Ohms Lane, Suite 216, Edina, MN 55439
(952) 224-7055
If you want to work in a care facility as a nursing assistant, your name must be entered in the state registry. It will only be entered there if you have taken and passed the state exams. Before you can apply for the state exams, you must meet the requirements made by the state and federal government.
Currently programs must be approved by the state and meet hourly and curriculum standards. You can contact the Nursing Assistant Registry at (651) 201-4127 to get assistance finding or verifying a training course. You can also check this page for all of the current approved schools:
Those whose were able to complete a state-approved training program as well as pass the competency evaluation exam and are on the Registry are able to work in the state as a nursing assistant for an extended period of time. Since the CNA licenses here need to be renewed every two years, they will have to comply with this if they want to continue to work in a healthcare facility.
If an individual who is not on the Registry yet but is currently working for a healthcare facility as a nursing assistant must immediately enroll in an approved training program and get his/her name on the Registry within 4 months. The hiring facility must ensure that the individual that they hired is well competency to take care of the patients/residents. On the other hand, those who are working for a temporary agency are required to be on the Registry before they will be allowed to work.
A person can directly challenge the competency exams if they want to. If they do, they will have to pass both the written and the skills demonstration part of the exams and get their names on the Registry before they will be allowed to work as a nursing assistant. These people do not have 4 months to get on the Registry unlike those who go through the regular process.
The city of Medina can be found in Hennepin County. The city started out as a small milling and farming community back in the 1860s. The name of the city was taken from the Edina Mill, which functioned there at the time. It is a suburb of Minneapolis. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 47,941 people. They have a total area of approximately 16.0 sq miles and a population density of 3,011/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Edina Eye Clinic, PA, Diamond Women’s Center PA, REM Minnesota – State Office, One Stop Medical Center, Centennial Lakes Surgery Center, Arthritis & Rheumatology Consultants Pa, Minneapolis Clinic Of Neurology, Snoring & Sleep Apnea Dental Institute Of Minnesota, One Stop Hemorrhoid Care, Minneapolis Clinic Of Neurology Physical Therapy, Edina Pediatrics, and many more. photo attribution: aflcio