The certified nurse aide schools offering certification programs in Carroll, Iowa that are currently being offered as of the making of this page are all shown below. For more information about how to sign-up for class instruction, please call the number provided below to talk with a facility representative.
906 North Grant Road, Carroll, IA 51401
(712) 792-1755
With the continuous increase in the population, there is also an increase in the demand for health care providers. Since there is a huge demand this is the best time for you to become a health care provider by becoming a nursing assistant. You can get a lot of valuable experience with minimal costs and it will not take you long to graduate from a training program.
The completion of a nursing assistant program is an important step in becoming certified to work in Iowa. To complete a program, you must have at least 45 hours of classroom instructions and 30 hours of clinical experiences. It is very important that the program you graduate from is approved by the state. This is to make certain that you receive proper education and training. It is very important that the quality of care that the residents receive from the nursing assistants is of high quality.
Taking in the license exams is a necessary step since it is the only way for you to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. Once your name is entered there, you must maintain that status if you want to be eligible to work as a nursing assistant. Unlike other states, nursing assistant licenses do not expire in Iowa so long as you have worked for at least 8 hours with pay within 24 consecutive months.
The license exams in this state are composed of two parts, the skills evaluation and the written exam. If you want your name to be entered you will need to pass all the tests. Out of all the nursing skills that were taught to you, you will only be asked to perform only a selected few which will be randomly selected. The Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry is available to help answer your questions about how you can become certified and can be reached by calling 515-281-4077 or toll free at 1-866-876-1997.
Carroll is the county seat of Carroll County. You can find this city along the Middle Raccoon River. The city was named after Charles Carroll, who was the only Roman Catholic that was able to sign the Declaration of Independence. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 10,103 residents. It has a population density of 1,800/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 5.5 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Health care facilities that you can find serving this city include McFarland Clinic PC, Child Health Specialty Clinics, Carroll Family Chiropractic Center, Soppe Chiropractic Clinic Inc., Carroll Health Center, St Anthony Regional Hospital, St Anthony Mental Health Services, Breda Medical Clinic, Hometown Healthcare, and many more. photo attribution: glms1