The nurse aide schools allowing students to register for courses in Barnesville, Georgia that are shown on this page offer the current classes that you can enroll in. For more information, please call the number below to speak with a program representative.
Heritage Inn of Barnesville
946 Highway 341 South,
Barnesville, GA 30204
(770) 358-2485
Before you should handle any residents as a nursing assistant, you should first receive the proper training by enrolling in CNA classes. These courses are located all over the state and are offered by different institutions like high schools, technical colleges, private schools, and healthcare centers. To make sure that you will be able to apply for the license exams after your training, you should enroll in a program that is approved by the Georgia Medical Care Foundation. It is the private contractor that is in-charge of certifying training programs for this state.
For a program to be certified, it must have a minimum of 85 hour of training. These training hours should be divided into classes, laboratory skills training, and 24 hours of clinical duties. According to the state rules, the student will not be allowed to proceed if he or she is not able to get a 100% rating in the lab. Each rotation should also not have more than 14 students per instructor.
After you finish your training, you can then proceed and apply for the license exams. To get your license and name entered in the registry, you must pass all the exams. These exams include a written and a skills demonstration test.
Barnesville is the county seat of Lamar County. It is a part of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. The city is also known as the “Buggy Capital of the World”. According to the census of 2010, their total population was 6,755. Barnesville has a total area of approximately 5.7 sq miles. Its population density is estimated to be around 1,047.7/sq mile.
Health care facilities that can be found within the city include Mid Georgia Chiropractic Center, Community Medical Center, Pathways Center, Pediatric Associates, Barnersville Dialysis, Satellite Health Care, and many more. photo attribution: usdagov