By enrolling in certified nursing assistant classes in Arnold, Missouri you will meet the state requirement and be eligible to take the license exams. Passing the examination is mandatory to becoming certified to work in long-term care facilities. Call the school listed below to get more enrollment details.
Jefferson College – Imperial
4400 Jeffco Building, Arnold, MO 63010
Training is generally required in order to qualify to take the nurse aide competency examination. However, if you receive a letter of approval from the state registry you can avoid taking a class and directly challenge the test. If you pass the license exams, your name will automatically be entered on the Registry a few days after the Registry has received your paperwork. You will also receive your CNA certification. Those who are applying through reciprocity are also required to pass both the written exams and the skills evaluation portion of the license exams.
Certified nurse aide licenses only last for up to two years. If you want to remain eligible to work, then you will need to keep your name on the Registry with an active status. This can only be done if you were able to work within 8 hours for the last 24 months as a paid nursing assistant. If you were not able to do so, then your status will be changed into “inactive”. It can only be changed back into “active” by challenging the evaluation exams.
If your status shows that you were inactive despite having worked for a minimum of 8 hours, then the Registry does not have a record of your employment. You will need to submit a copy of your social security card along with your contact information, and proof of employment. Proof of employment may either be:
1. A letter from your employer stating the dates of your employment.
2. A copy of the W-2 form
3. A copy of your pay stubs
For other inquiries you can contact the Missouri Registry by calling 573-526-5686.
This city is a part of Jefferson County. It has a population of 20,603, as of the census of 2008. Its total area is approximately 11.6 sq miles. This makes Arnold as the largest city in the entire county. Its population density is 1,840/sq mile. This city was named after George Arnold, who was the first postmaster in the city.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include STD Test Express, St Anthony’s Arnold Urgent Care, Joshi Ashwin MD, Wilkins Medical Transcription, Comtrea, Premiere Women’s Health, Integrative Healthcare Center, and Jefferson County Health Center. photo attribution: armymedicine