The certified nursing assistant training courses in Springfield, Colorado that are approved by the state of Colorado are all listed here. Included on the page are all the college, nursing facility, and vocational schools that are open for enrollment at this time.
Southeast Colorado Hospital & Long Term Care Ctr
373 E. 10th St.
Springfield, CO 81073
Program director: Linda Hollenback, RN
It is highly advised that you should know what the different requirements are in becoming a nursing assistant before you decide to become one. This can be done by knowing what eligibility route applies to you. If you have not received any form of proper training, then your first task would be the completion of a state-approved CNA course.
After you complete your training, you can then apply for the NNAAP Exams. If you are an LPN, RN or a LPT that has an active or expired license that was issued from any state in the U.S., you must provide a copy of your license or proof that you have completed a RN, LPT, or LPN nursing program. Like other routes, you must pass the exams within 2 years from the submission of your applications to Pearson VUE. For more information about the requirements you can contact Pearson VUE at (888) 274-5050 or the Board of Nursing at (303) 8894-2437.
This town is a Statutory Town that is also the county seat of Baca County. With a total population of 1,562, it is considered as the most populous town in the entire county. The name of the place was taken from Springfield, Missouri. The total area of Springfield is approximately 0.9 sq miles. It has a population density of 1,735.6/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Southeast Colorado Hospital & Long Term Care Center (719) 523-4501, McDonald Frank D.O. (719) 523-6628, Southeast Colorado Hospital Physicians Clinic (719) 523-6628, Jacobs Staci PA-C (719) 523-6628, Manalo Antonio M.D. Manalo Antonio M.D.(719) 523-6221, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed