The certified nursing assistant schools in Simla that are licensed by the state of Colorado and currently available for enrollment are all shown to you on this page. For more information about the cost of the course program, class schedules, or requirements to become a CNA, just call the number provided below.
Good Samaritan Society
320 Pueblo Ave PO Box 38
Simla, CO 80835
Program coordinator: Pam Foster, RN
There are several requirements that must be met in order to become a nurse aide in Colorado. Among them, the most important are the completion of a CNA training course, and passing the NNAAP examination, as well as the background checks that are done at federal and state level. The program must be approved by the state in order to be assured that you will be eligible to apply for the license exams. For a program to be approved, it must offer its students at least 80 hours of training which is divided in to theoretical lessons and skills training.
After you complete your training you need to complete the other requirements. These requirements include submitting the complete application form, paying the necessary fees, ID photo, fingerprint cards, transcript of records, immunization and physical exam results, and the results of the background check. The necessary documents are to be submitted to Pearson VUE at 3131 South Vaughn Way, Aurora, Colorado.
Simla is a town that is in Elbert County. To be specific, it is actually a Statutory Town. As of the 2007 census, their total population has reached up to 728. Simla has a total area of approximately 0.5 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 1,326/sq mile. This town was founded back in 1909 by a man named Altman.
Examples of health care providers that are near the area include Parkmoor Village Health Care Cente, Castle Rock Assisted Living, 100% A Chiropratic Wellness Center, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Medalion Retirement Community, Terrace Gardens Healthcare Center, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed