You will need to have proper nursing assistant training if you wish to become certified in the state of MN. You can find the courses in New Ulm, Minnesota that are currently open to the public listed below. To find out more information about their programs, just call the number below or go to the address provided.
Oak Hills Living Center
1314 8th North Street,
New Ulm, MN 56073
(507) 233-0800
(Multiple classes are available)
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Minnesota is one of the best ways for you to start your career as a nursing assistant. Nursing assistants get the most basic of experiences that the medical industry has to offer. They get to develop a close relationship with the patients since they will be helping them with their daily needs like hygiene.
Like many states, nursing assistants who want to work in a licensed healthcare facility must be registered. To become eligible you must have experience with healthcare procedures and performing the duties of the job and pass the state examination. Typically candidates enroll in a program that has been approved by the MN Department of Health. After completion of the class they can schedule a time and location to take the examination from the Pearson Vue company.
It is the work of the State Department of Health to start and maintain a Nurse Aide Registry for the state. The Registry is a master list of all the certified nurse aides that are qualified to work in the state. The also contains necessary information about those NAs. That is why, it is important for a nursing assistant to inform the Registry if there were any significant changes to his/her life such as change of name or address.
If the CNA changes addresses, then all he has to do is to call the Registry during working hours from 9 in the morning up to 3 in the afternoon at (651) 215-8705. He can also call the on their toll-free number at 1-800-397-6124. For anything else, the nursing assistant must then need to fill out the Update Forms and include his current address and social security number.
This city is the county seat of Brown County. It is located in the confluence of the Cottonwood and Minnesota Rivers. Founded in 1854 by Christian Ludwig Meyer and his companions, the settlement was named after Ulm in Germany. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 13,522 people. New Ulm has a total area of approximately 9.0 sq miles and a population density of 1,548.3/sq mile. Main roads that you can find near the city include U.S. Route 14 and State Highways 15 and 68.
There are a lot of health care providers that are located in the city, they include Sioux Trails Mental Health Center, Sioux Valley Hospital, New Ulm Medical Center – Part of Allina Hospitals & Clinics New Ulm, Burkhart Marc J MD, Nova House, Huseby Counseling Services, Riverbluff Health Care, Dental Health Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: betsssssy