Enrolling in a nursing assistant program is an important step to receive the proper training required to take the certification exams. You can find the schools that are currently being offered in the town of Hibbing, Minnesota shown below. Call the college to get the latest sign-up information.
Hibbing Community College
1515 East 25th St., Hibbing, MN 55746
(218) 262-7200
This is the best time for you to enter the medical field. The demand for nursing assistants is constantly on the rise. The State of Minnesota is considered to be one of the best places for you to jump-start your career as a nurse aide. Depending on which CNA classes you select to enroll in, you can start working as a nursing assistant in a matter of 4 months.
If you already received an offer to work as a nursing assistant, then you may accept it if you want. The state allows this provided that you immediately enroll in a state-approved CNA training course and pass the competency evaluation tests all within 4 months. During that time, the hiring facility will need to guarantee that you are well competent to handle different patients.
To get your license, you must apply for the state license exams and pass both parts of the test. The examinations will have two parts, a written and a practical demonstration of skills. The written part will contain seventy multiple choice type questions and take up two two hours while the practical demonstration only takes a few minutes. You must pass both parts to get your license. Contact the MN Department of Health at by calling 651-215-8705 to get further details about how to qualify. They can also direct you to a downloadable practice exams.
Another great thing about working as a nursing assistant in this state is that if you were hired as a CNA before you enrolled in a training course, you will not be charged for any of the expenses. All expenses will be directly charged to your hiring facility. For more information, you can follow this link: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/profinfo/narinfo/aboutnar.html.
Hibbing is a part of Saint Louis County. Founded in 1893, it was named after Frank Hibbing, who was an immigrant from Germany. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 16,361 people. They have a total area of 186.5 sq miles, where 4.8 square miles of it is water. It has an estimated population density of 94.0/sq mile. Major roads that are accessible from the city are U.S. Highways 31, 169, and 73.
Health care centers that are located in the area include Duluth Clinic-Hibbing, Fairview Mesaba Clinic, University Medical Center – Mesabi, Quirk Chiropractic Clinic, Fairview Range Regional Health Services, Hibbing Family Medical Clinic, Vechell Michaels Chiropractic Clinic, Fairview Healthline Transportation Services, Fresenius Medical Care, Fairview Range Regional Health Services, and Guardian Angels Health & Rehabilitation Center.