The certified nurse aide training schools in Gunnison, that are approved by the state of Colorado and shown to you on this page are all the courses that are open for you to enroll in. Please contact the school phone number for more details about class schedules, tuition costs, or program requirements.
Senior Living Community at Gunnison Valley Health
1500 W. Tomichi Ave
Gunnison, CO 81230
Program director: Victoria Fouquet, RN
The CNA classes in this state are being offered by colleges, high schools, and healthcare centers. Before you enroll in a program, you should make sure that the program is approved by the state. This way you can make sure that you will be eligible to take the state license exams after you complete your training. For a program to be approved by the state, it must have at least 80 hours in training. The training must be divided into theoretical lessons and hands-on training. For those who are already working as nursing assistants, they will only have 4 months or 120 days to pass the exams.
The state does not allow nursing assistants to work for a long time without a nurse aide license. The completion of a training program is one of the requirements to take the exams. Aside from that, the applicant must also undergo a background check from both the federal and the state. They will also need to submit the results for their immunization and physical exams to determine that they are not a carrier of a contagious disease. Nursing assistants must be in a good state of health to work. Other requirements include passing documents like ID photo, transcript of records, fingerprint cards, and paying the needed fees.
The City of Gunnison is the county seat of Gunnison County. With a total population of 5,854 people, it is the most populous city in the entire county. This city was named after John W. Gunnison. It has a total area of 3.2 sq miles. It has a population density of 1,826.7/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Chamberland Orthopaedics (970) 642-3308, Gunnison Valley Family Physicians (970) 641-0211, Midwestern Colorado Mental Health – Center (970) 642-4600, Gunnison Valley Family Physicians (970) 641-2241, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed